Chapter 19

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As they all sat talking about the older days while devouring some freshly baked brownies, grandma's eyes suddenly went teary. She gently caressed their hands and with a trembling and cracking voice revealed her feelings that they had never known.

"You know it had just been a short while after my husband's passing when I saw you for the first time. My son had to go back to where he lives since there's only a limited number of leaves any company would sanction their employees to mourn over any loss. He and my daughter-in-law tried to convince me to go along but I just couldn't bring myself to leave this shop behind that my husband and I had set-up with so many aspirations and such love. This place is my salvation, each of the sweet memory I have is related to this place.
Naturally, after they left I grew extremely lonely but you showed up one day. Hearing you talk endlessly about the boy you loved in such an endearing way too, reminded me of so many precious memories that I had created during my teenage years with Setrak (her husband's name). All those memories gave me immense strength to carry on and without realising I started praying for you two to have a happy life together."

She said and her eyes softened even more as she continued.

"I feel elated seeing you two be together like this. I will always keep praying for you to remain together and support each other through thick and thin." She smiled and moved her hands to gently caress their cheeks.

"God bless you both." She blessed them from the bottom of her heart.

A few of such genuinely sweet and caring exchanges later, they were ready to leave the place as it was getting late and Vegas too had received the word that he was needed for some work.

"Then...we will come again soon grandma" Pete smiled while holding the old lady's hand.

"Sure. I will make even more things the next time you two come." Her smile was highlighted more by the curved wrinkles making her look like an adorable Pixar character.

"She's such a kind lady" Pete said on their way back home and Vegas instantly agreed to the statement.

"Ofcourse. She's partly the reason why I could sum up courage to talk to you when during those times" He accepted amidst the slight embarrassment.

"She reminded me of my grana" Pete said in a low voice looking a little dejected.

"Who?" Vegas asked being caught off-guard. Pete had never previously spoken anything about his own grandmother to him, thus as a result he had no idea about her.

"My grana. Mae's mother. After Mae's death, she took care of me till I was four until she unfortunately fell into a coma and I had to be shifted back to Phaw's house." He looked as if he was missing her terribly.

" she-?" Vegas asked clearly hesitating to say the whole thing.

"No...she's still alive but hasn't gotten up yet. The doctor's say that her condition is getting better and she may wake up sometime soon but I still feel pretty hopeless" The mournful expression on Pete's face spoke volumes about his relationship with him grandmother and how he must have always cherished her.

"Remain hopeful love...she'll definitely get up soon, hasn't it been so many years already that she hasn't seen you? She too must be missing you badly..." Vegas caressed Pete's hand with his thumb to show his support.

"I hope so" Pete said finding it hard to gulp. Tears had begun to well up on the inner lining of his eyes just from thinking about his grandmother. There was a part of him that wanted to see her but there was also a part that was afraid of seeing her in that condition. He wasn't sure if he was strong enough to handle it and thus was internally conflicted beyond measure.

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