Memory loss

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Vanessa's stem cell transplantation was done and she was still unconscious. The staff had shifted her to the normal ward and she was under strict supervision of the doctors. No one was allowed to meet her until they will be sure that she is fine and stable after the process.

The brothers longing eyes were looking at her from the glass window of the room. They could see her slow breathing while her eyes were shut closed. They wanted her to wake up soon so they could see her beautiful sea blue eyes again, hear her soft voice and beautiful giggles away.

Rooh was also of the bed beside her and she was on the fluids diet for now. The doctor has strictly told her to consume iron rich food but for now she just can drink juices only. Vanessa's transplantation was successful but the brothers were still tensed because they were scared of the problems she would face after the transplantation.

Her life is still not out of danger and that was keeping them on their edges and above that it's been more than twenty four hours and still she had didn't gain her consciousness back. They knew her body is weak and her immune system is not strong enough to handle all these things but still they are surprised when her stem cells transplantation was done with any complications.

They sensed a presence behind them and turned around to see Elena standing there with coffee cups in her hand which she bought from a near by coffee shop. She raised her brow at them looking at their condition.

"¡Te ves como una mierda!" she commented and whistled scanning them head to toe earning glares from them.
(Translation: You look like shit!)

"¿Qué?  Acabo de decirte la verdad.  Ve y refréscate antes de que se despierte porque apuesto a que se negará a reconocerte en este estado." she said pushing the coffee cups in their hands.
(Translation: What? I just told you the truth. Go and freshen up before she wakes up because I bet she will refuse to recognize you in this state.)

"Gracias por tu sugerencia no solicitada. ¡Ahora vete a la mierda!" Emiliano hissed at her and went to the near by chairs and say on it.
(Translation: Thank you for your unasked suggestion. Now fuck off!)

"Solo les estaba haciendo un favor a ustedes, perras desagradecidas, porque me preocupo por mi chica y no quería que se asustara al mirarlas a la cara justo después de recuperar la conciencia." Elena said rolling her eyes and walked away from there.
(Translation: I was just doing favor on you ungrateful bitches because I care for my girl and didn't want her to get scared by looking at your faces right after gaining her consciousness.)

After she walked away from there the brothers looked at each other and they didn't want to except it but they were really looking like they have didn't shower for months but in no condition they will go back to mansion leaving their little wife here even after her whole family is there.

So they decided to shower and change their clothes in the hospital restrooms which were too small according to their preference but they will choose hundred times to have shower in it than to go back to the mansion and have shower there after leaving their little wife alone.

Barely twenty minutes have passed and they were back in front of her room. Elena saw them standing there after showered and appropriately dressed but she rolled her eyes noticing that the didn't even bother to tie their shoe laces. She walked to them and leaned towards them.

"¿Cuál de tus trenes circulaba y ni siquiera te molestaste en atarte los zapatos?" Elena said to which they exhaled sharply because now she was clearly annoying them.
(Translation: Which of your trains was running that you didn't even bother to tie your shoe laces?)

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