Incomplete vows

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Vanessa heard some faint noises around her like someone was moving around her and shuffling the things. Her vision was dark so she tried to open her eyes but wasn't able to. She felt her eye lids heavy which made her to frown because she wanted to see what's going on around her. Finally after some struggling she opened her eyes and met with a familiar ceiling.

She slowly sat up on the bed and looked out of the window, it was morning now. She checked her surroundings and saw a figure who was none other than Joaquin standing in the balcony. She heard the shower running to which meant either Emiliano or Alejandro was inside the bathroom.

She felt her throat dry so she reached her hand out to grab water from the bed side table but in process she tossed the lid of the glass away which created a faint sound but enough for Joaquin to notice. He snapped his head towards her which made her flinch when she saw the look at his face.

The rim of his eyes were red and his eyes were ice cold, the expression on his face was stern while his jaw was clenched hard. She could clearly tell that he was clearly not happy with her sudden presence at that fighting club. She gulped softly when he started walking towards her while his eyes were staring into her soul. He entered inside the room in few long strides and stood in front of her.

She looked up at him with so many emotions in her eyes but what Joaquin was feeling at that moment was complet rage. He picked the glass of water and extended it towards her. She didn't take it from his hand intentionally and took her lips near to that glass drinking from his hands only, he also didn't choose to comment at that time. Placing the glass back at the bed side table he turned to her.

"Who told you come there?" was the first question he shot towards her in his cold voice.

"Huh?" she asked him confusingly but watching the look on his face she gulped softly.

"Who told you come there?" he again asked her in his stern voice.

"N-N-No one." she answered lowly and looked down in her lap.

"Then why did you follow me? Why did you come there?" He asked her while the sternness in his voice not wavering even a bit.

"I-I-I wanted to know where do you go and get hurt so I-I forced Emi and Aleja to follow you." she replied meekly in her low voice. Joaquin clenched his jaw knowing that they both followed him under her influence which increased his rage more. He clutched her shoulders tightly in his hold and shook her violently.

"That place was so dangerous for you! Why on the first place you came there? It was not needed." he asked flaring his nose.

"I-I-It was needed. You were not talking to me and comes home by getting hurt. I wanted to know what do you do out there!" she also said in her raised voice this time.

"Stop interfering in my life Vanessa. I'm fine on my own don't make it worse." Joaquin said with a hidden pleading in his voice.

"P-P-Please don't call me Vanessa. I'm sorry I want you back. I want us back." she said and her chin wobble at the end of her sentence.

"Us? There was no us? It was always you and me or you have told me about your disease." he said pointing his finger at her and then himself. She held his big hand in her small ones and kissed on it.

"I-I-I'm sorry Joa please. Please become the old Joa. I'm not liking this Joa." she said about his new personality which is so aggressive and mean towards her and everyone.

"Isn't it always about what you want? We brothers always did what you like, what you love, what you want. Damn! Our world revolves around you but what about us? We just wanted you to trust us, love us and you couldn't do the damn simple thing!" he burst out on her with a displeased look on his face.

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