Now to the world!

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Kuro is resting his head on Hikaru's shoulder while she's drinking a milk shake and listening to Yu whine

Yu: aww the only battle left is the one with tsubasa to decide the sub member dammit I don't wanna lose and be the sub!

Masamune: Well whining about it isn't gonna help now is it, plus it wasn't your fault for losing to me look you where just unlucky to get me the worlds number 1 blader as an opponent you where doomed from the very start

Hikaru stops drinking and sighs

Hikaru: Do I need to remind you that I beat you, plus I'd I remember correctly Kuro here 'she ruffles his hair' totally kicked your ass

Masamune: Hey! I'm a lot stronger since then

Yu: Alright let's get this straight Masamune this is an important battle with tsubasa so make sure you stay out of my way this time, you got it?

Masamune: Huh when did I ever get in your way

Yu sweatdrops: Did he just say when?

Kuro and Hikaru exchange glances

Kuro: uhh can I stop leaning on your now

Hikaru: No your hair is too soft I wanna keep touching it

Kuro sighs but let's it happen

Masamune: anyway don't worry about me, you should be worrying about the battle don't ya think

Kenta: that's true tsubasa will be fighting for his second chance to become a regular too you know

Madoka: I'll bet he's coming to this match with even more attitude then when he battled Kyoya

Masamune: tsubasa is an awfully strong blader you know, if he comes at you hard he's going to be really tough to beat

Kuro: uh It's true he can give me a run for my money that's for sure, I swear that counter stance ability is a pain in the ass

Yu:'ve got a point there


Blader Dj: is everybody ready,.good because once thanks to kyoya deciding not to join team Japan, there is still one spot open and there is gonna be one smoking battle too see who gets it, alright let's see whose going to be the final regular member

Is it going to be

The little dude with the big power



The guy from the sky


Blader Dj: it's the last chance for both bladers a battle for the ages

Yu: There's no tomorrow guys!

Masamune: Come on leave it all out there

Kuro: Now this is gonna be an epic battle

Hikaru: Yeah you've got that right

In the arena

Yu: Tsubasa, just to be clear I'm here to win this thing

Tsubasa: Sorry Yu but that's not going to happen

Yu: Oh yes it is I have to win, if I have to listen to Masamune talk down to me I'm gonna lose it, you're going down tsubasa

Blader Dj: Ready!




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