The "number 1 blader"

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Kuro and Hikaru are walking down the road when they see a bey flying over head and then a guy with incredibly spiky hair runs past them

?: Striker!

Kuro: Uhhh

Hikaru: yah that sums up my thoughts too

Kenta: Gingka won't lose to a guy like you!

Kuro: Oh hey kenta what's up

Kenta: Ahh Kuro and Hikaru you guys are back!

Kuro: Yup that's right

Gingka: It's no good I still wasn't able to control it, why won't you listen to a word I say Pegasus

Kuro: Oh hey Gingka what's wrong

Ginkga: Oh Kuro we'll 'he shows off his new bey' This is galaxy Pegasus and it's going through a difficult phase right now

Kuro: Oh gotcha new more powerful bey, well I'm in the same boat

Gingka: Huh

Kuro shows off his new bey

Kenta and Gingka: Wow is that Tigris!

Kuro: Yup meet the new and improved Twilight Tigris so why don't we try them out huh

Gingka smiles a bit: Yeah! Sounds good!

Next thing they know the four of them are seen at at a bey park

Kuro: Three!

Gingka: Two!

Both: One!

Let it rip!

The two beys rush a each other and a huge shockwave is created!

Kuro: Wow this power it's insane!

Gingka: Ha! Now this is exciting!

Kenta: No way Tigris is matching the new Pegasus blow for blow

Hikaru: Heh that's twilight Tigris for you

Kenta: Wait are you two together

Hikaru: heh you betcha he's all mine

Kenta sweatdrops

Kuro: Huh it seems fine

Gingka: Yeah maybe it just needed a stronger opponent

But that's when the tone changes

They beys keep clashing over and over again creating shockwave after shockwave

Kuro: damn ok Tigris jump!

Tigris springs into the air higher then it could before and slams right down on Pegasus

Kuro smiles in excitement: Ha! That's right! This Pegasus is going down

Gingka: Kuro,,you've grown stronger

Kenta: wow since when does Kuro smile like that

Hikaru: since he got his brother back, he's softened up a lot and can actually enjoying battling now

Kenta can't help but smile

That's when Tigris went flying off

Gingka: Pegasus!

Kuro: wow what was that!?

Gingka: I've got no idea!

The clashing continues

Soo they call their beys back

Kuro: hmm so they both run kinda wild

Gingka: you seem to have control over Tigris though

The Eclipse blader-Beyblade metal fanfiction حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن