The destructive finale begins

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They run down to see Kyoya still standing having been pierced by the power of L drago

Kyoya finally falls but Benkei catches him

Benkei: Kyoya buddy,..come on you've gotta get up, Kyoya buddy,.kyo..kyo,,Kyoya!

Madoka: This is so horrible

Gingka: Grr what's going on here

Kuro: Tch I've got a got a good guess

Ryuga: Hahaha I've gotta say that was pretty amazing, the power grab that you two helped me get from the  unconscious guy

Gingka: we helped you?

Kuro: how's that?

Ryuga: Don't you get it from the very beginning battle bladers has been a tournament too make you build power, which I can then give to l drago and let's not forget your friends, by setting their sights on battle bladers and competing with you two they where able to call on power too thanks to that they became greta fuel for L drago..but in the end that's a just a drop in the bucket, I'm ready to get serious now!

Kuro: Oh shut up! Our friends aren't fuel!

Gingka: Yeah! Not Hikaru, tsubasa or Kyoya! They aren't fuel for you!

Benkei: That's right! I won't forget what you did to me friend!

He launches dark bull

Ryuga: take it easy big guy I'm not interested in you

He swats dark bull away sending the bey and it's owner flying into a wall

All but Kuro: Benkei!

Kuro is still fuming

Ryuga: The only two I want is Ginkga and my dear brother Kuro, first all I wanted was Gingka's power Hahaha and now I found you are part of this tournament this is going to be a feast for L drago! I can't wait!

Kuro: Tch

Gingka: Grr I'm flattered

Ryuga: once I have robbed all the power that you two have, l drago will become the one and only the strongest most powerful bey in the world, now give me it hand over your powers right now

Kuro and Gingka ready their beys

Kuro: I'd you want it you can just try and get it but you'll be in for a surprise!

Ginkga: Right! The power we have is not ours alone it is the power, we will win against you and show you

Both: So you can see proof of the power we hold together!

Kenta: Both of you don't do i!

Madoka: L drago is a dark bey that grows by feeding off the anger and attitude of its opponents

Kuro lowers his bey and growls

Kuro: Fine! By listen right now Ryu, we will defeat you, you can count on that!

Kuro walks away

Kenta: Kuro where are you going!

Kuro: To prepare!

Ryuga: There's going to be a special stage for us tomorrow brother! So make sure you be there

Kuro turns out his red eyes glaring at Ryuga

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