Tigris vs Sagitario

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Kuro: Let's see what you've got, Kenta!

Kenta: I won't hold back, Kuro!

Blader DJ: Three, two, one... Let it rip!

Kuro and Kenta launch their beys into the arena, their blades clashing with a resounding clang. Tigris and Sagittario circle each other, each blader searching for an opening in their opponent's defense.

Kuro: You're going to have to do better than that!

Kenta: I won't give up!

Sagittario charges forward, aiming to land a direct hit on Tigris, but Kuro's bey effortlessly dodges the attack, dancing around Sagittario with ease like a tiger prowling

Kuro: You'll have to be faster than that to catch me

Kenta grits his teeth, determined to turn the tide of the battle. Sagittario charges once more, its attacks becoming more aggressive as Kenta tries to find a weakness in Kuro's defenses.

Kenta: I won't lose!

But Kuro remains unfazed, his movements calculated and precise as he continues to outmaneuver Sagittario at every turn.

Kuro: Your attacks are too predictable, Kenta. You'll have to do better if you want to defeat me

Kenta's frustration grows as he struggles to keep up with Kuro's relentless assault. With each passing moment, it becomes clear that victory won't come easy against such a skilled opponent. But Kenta refuses to back down, his determination driving him to fight on against all odds.

Kenta: I won't give in! This is for all my friends including you!

Sagitario starts to attack even more and too Kuro's surprise and excitement Tigris starts too get pushed back

Kuro smirks a little under the mask

Kuro: Impressive, Kenta! You're putting up quite a fight.

Kenta: Thanks, Kuro! I won't give up that easily!

Sagittario continues its relentless assault, its attacks becoming more aggressive as Kenta finds his rhythm in the battle. Kuro's expression shifts from surprise to determination as he realizes that Kenta is not to be underestimated.

Kuro: Alright, let's see what you're really made of!

Tigris and Sagittario clash once more, their blades sparking as they collide with incredible force. The stadium trembles with the intensity of their battle, the two bladers locked in a fierce struggle for supremacy.

Kenta: I won't let you win!

Kuro: Neither will I!

The battle rages on, each blader giving their all as they push themselves to their limits. With each passing moment, the outcome becomes less certain, the tension mounting as both Kuro and Kenta refuse to back down.

Kuro: You're stronger than I thought, Kenta. But I won't go down without a fight!

Kenta: Same here, Kuro! Let's finish this!

With a renewed sense of determination, Kuro and Kenta charge forward,

Kuro: You know what Kenta you've impressed me you've got some insane potential so why don't we end this one last clash all of my power against all of yours

Kenta: I'm up for it, Kuro! Let's give it everything we've got!

Both bladers gather their strength, their beys pulsating with energy as they prepare for the ultimate clash. With a determined nod, they launch their beys into the arena, their eyes locked on each other as they brace for impact.

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