Companion Clash

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The gang meet up with Gingka

Kuro has his mask on forgot to mention that

Kenta: oh there he is!

Benkei: hey you did it Gingka

Gingka: Hey you guys I pulled off another win

Kenta: what do you mean "pulled off" you where awesome Gingka

Madoka: by creating that vacuum you fooled your opponent and came back to win

Gingka: um what vacuum, what do you mean Vacuum?

Madoka: What do you mean?, what do you mean when you cut through the air with high speed spinning that's what I e,an

Hyoma: man you where so focused in that battle that your move accidentally created a vacuum

Gingka: is that what I did?

Kuro: Yeah you did, I guess your luck is your greatest skill after all

They all laugh at that well Kuro does a light chuckle

Gingka: a vacuum it sort of felt like I could see outer space right in the stadium

Blader Dj: alright who will be the next blader to win this challenge match and get 10,000 points this next battle is one the most anticipated in this tournament

It's the Masked blader! And his Eclipse Tigris


Hikaru and her storm Aqaurio

Hikaru: Alright, Kuro. Let's see how I stack up in a true battle.

Kuro: Bring it on, Hikaru. I won't hold back.

Hikaru: Good, because I don't plan to lose!

Kuro: Neither do I! Let's make this a battle to remember.

Blader DJ: Alright, bladers, are you ready?

Kuro and Hikaru nodded in unison, their focus unwavering as they prepared to unleash their Beyblades.

Blader DJ: Three!

Kuro: Two!

Hikaru: One!


With a powerful flick of their wrists, Kuro and Hikaru launched their Beyblades into the stadium, the familiar metallic clash signaling the start of an intense battle. Storm Aquario and Eclipse Tigris spun with unparalleled speed and precision, each blader showcasing their skills with determination and finesse.

The arena erupted into chaos as Storm Aquario and Eclipse Tigris clashed with relentless force, their movements a blur of motion as they danced amidst the swirling storm of battle. Kuro and Hikaru exchanged blows with unmatched intensity, each refusing to yield even an inch to their opponent.

Kuro: Eclipse Tigris, show her the power of the shadows!

Hikaru: Storm Aquario, let's ride the wind to victory!

Their Beyblades clashed with thunderous force, each collision sending shockwaves through the arena. Kuro and Hikaru battled with unwavering focus, their determination driving them forward as they pushed their limits in pursuit of victory.

Blader DJ: And it's a clash of titans in the stadium! Who will emerge victorious in this epic showdown?

As the battle raged on, Kuro and Hikaru exchanged a fierce barrage of attacks, each blader pushing themselves to their limits in their quest for supremacy. The stadium trembled with the intensity of their clash,

The Eclipse blader-Beyblade metal fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now