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Kuro and Ryutaro launch their beys in sync and immediately the tiger and the fish clash

Ryutaro: Vicotry goes to the one who makes the first move go Pisces

Kuro: Yeah whatever helps you sleep at night! Tigris!

Ryutaro: Hmph knock him upside down!

Pisces dodges Tigris and sends him flying back with the wind pressure

Kuro:  a cat always lands on its feet freak so come on let's keep going!

Blader Dj: Looks like we have an exciting battle on our hands the way this is going we don't know which way the bey will spin

The two beys start clashing once again

Kuro: Gotta say you are impressive but there's just no way I can lose!

Ryutaro: I will not lose this battle is the last chance to prove myself 

Kuro: Well then Let's see which one of us stops first!

Ryutaro: Yes let's do just that

In the stands

Kenta: Unbelievable He's never even battled him before

Madoka: Yeah but Kuro is giving Pisces a run for its money

Gingka: Go and take him down!

Ryutaro: This just cannot end here I refuse to give up my life as a balder with a loss in this battle how can I be expected to do this

Kuro sees him standing there

He then snaps

Ryutaro: Grr I do not want to lose this if there is even a glimmer of hope to cling too it is my right to beyblade! I must defeat you! Masked blader even if it takes every bone in my body and then..Gingka is next!

He then starts to make the mark in the air

Special move

Distortion Drive

Kuro starts to get a headache

Kuro: oh shut up I know how to break this, I don't care if you've improved since your battle with Gingka THERE'S NO WAY I CAN LOSE THIS I WILL FACE RYUGA AND I WILL DEFEAT HIM

Tigris blasts around the arena and starts glowing in the same light as it does when it's using its special move

In the stands

Kenta: Ahhh!

Madoka: What's happening

Gingka: heh Wow man it seems I'm not the only copycat around here


Tigris lunges right at Pisces shattering the I
Illusion and sending it flying

Blader Dj: Wow! Unbelievable as the masked blader emerged victories already

Ryutaro: is this it,,do I lose! I'M NOT DONE GIVE ME MORE 'his voice turns sinister' POWER!

He starts to glow in a dark aura

Kuro: What the...

In the stands

Gingka: Uhh what's happening now

Kenta: I've got no clue,,Madoka

Madoka: uhh nope

Ryutaro smirks sadistically

Ryutaro: I'll show you what this it's true power, Now Pisces let's end this time to showed him true despair!

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