Pegasus vs Serpent

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Kuro has just left Hikaru's hospital room again his eyes ablaze with determination

Kuro looks down at Tigris: (Tigris what the hell did you just do)


Kuro watches the video of his match with Ryutaro and stopped jist before he won and zoomed in

Kuro's eyes widened

Flashback over

Kuro: (Tigris where you rotating to the left.'he clenches his fist' I'll think about this later)

Kuro walks down the hall until he sees someone on the floor looking beaten up

Kuro: Yu!

Blader Dj: Welcome beyfans back to the second round of battle bladers! In the first match Kyoya came out on top and in the second match the masked blader emerged victorious and in the amazing third match, We have Gingka and Pegasus vs Reji and poison serpent!, the real fun starts after a brief break

Kuro takes Yu too Gingka and the others

Kenta: How could they do such a terrible thing

Yu: ugh

Gingka: Stinking dark nebula!

Benkei: Just what kind of rotten people are they!

Madoka: But I just don't get it Yu was one of their original members wasn't he

Kuro: You've underestimated the cruelty of this group Madoka they'll do absolutely anything no matter how bad too get what they want

Yu: Yes, He's right wait who are you?

Kuro: I'm the masked blader, it's Kuro we faced each other a free times

Yu: Oh..right yeah.anyway it doesn't matter if you're an enemy or an ally no matter who you are the losers are used as power for L drago even me, luckily I managed to escape but because of that libra was badly damaged, after all the tough battles we've been through together I'm so sorry libra

Gingka: Yu!

Kenta: I will never forgive them for this! Gingka! Make him pay!

Gingka: you got it! For Hyoma and Yu as well Reji is going down!

Yu: I appreciate it Gingy but be careful ok Reji is very strong

Madoka: Yeah serpents fusion wheel combined with the attacks delivered by those fifteen blades is a big threat

Benkei: What freaks me out is that guy seems very unforgiving plus he's a total oddball

Gingka: Yeah make no mistake when he went up against Hyoma, Reji had complete control of that battle from the very start

Yu: yes it was like that for me too, when I battled Reji I thought I had him cornered but all of a sudden I was the one with no way out, that's the first time I've ever been really scared during a beybattle, all that guy wants too do is completely crush his opponent and not only the bey he tries to break the other bladers spirit into a bottomless pit of fear an despair, that..that is not a bey battle it's not, I realise that after batting with Gingy it's fun because both bladers give it their all, it's a clash of two spirits

Gingka: What!

Yu: Gingy, watch out for Reji's dark move, don't be swallowed up by fear

Gingka: I've got it! That guy is going down!

Too the battle

Gingka: I'm paying you back for Hyoma and Yu! I'll put a battle too your battles that twist the opponent with fear!

Reji just laughs: I have to say I'm so very very happy Gingka, I finally get too battle with you..I've been looking forward too it so much the time where I can break you and Pegasus oh how fun that'll be, I can't remember when it was but the first time I saw you, you where shining so bright it really was brilliant you know, I was blinded by your talents,more than anything I wanted to take your down Gingka, I wonder what will your face look like when I do it, will it sparkle then as Pegasus breaks to pieces, Now take your shot at me I am gonna crush anything you've got

Blader Dj! Oh ho yeah you ready folks





First serpent runs away from Pegasus but Pegasus just speeds up

But when they clash Reji marches Pegasus's power and even pushes him back

It's revealed that Serpent is using its "real fangs"

It turns out until now his spin track has been reversed making it a defensive spin track but now it's been switched into attack fangs that can rip its opponents apart

This is Reji's true strength

Pegasus backs off and runs away and keeps running away

Reji wants too see Gingka squirm so much more

Pegasus then takes flight

Pegasus star blast attack!

Gingka strikes with his special move but as expected it does almost nothing and Reji just seems to go more insane with every second

Serpent has used its fifteen blades too block the attack and then sent Pegasus flying off of it

Then serpent resumes its barrage that injects more and more poison into the winged horse

Then it surrounds the bey attacking Pegasus over and over again

Gingka has started being frozen in place by the serpents wrath

As if being turned too stone by the eyes of Medusa

Reji keeps on taunting Gingka over and over again

Gingka has been paralysed in place

Reji keeps on laughing telling him to squirm and cry in fear and pain

Gingka then laughs

Kuro smirks

Gingka tells Reji that he's funny and the only thing he's scared of IS LOSING!

Gingka doesn't get scared when he fights such a strong opponent instead it's the complete opposite he gets excited and never gives up

He will strike as many times as it takes to slay the serpent

The two beys clash over and over again they create explosion after explosion

Reji starts to produce a powerful dark aura

Dark move

Serpent venom strike!

But Pegasus just charges in and copies the serpents moves like a reflection in mirror like how Medusa was defeated

Now it's time to end this

Special move

Pegasus storm bringer!

Reji is the one that's scared now and soon

One last huge explosion and serpent is sent flying

Reji falls too his knees and turns to stone


Gingka: Heh Yeah baby! I did it!


Kuro is waiting for gingka

Kuro: Well looks like it's you and me in the semi finals I've been waiting for this

Gingka: Yeah me too it'll be epic

They high five

And that's a wrap

I know this chapter was weird but honestly I just wanted too ge tit done and move on

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