A ticket to the world

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We start the scene with Kuro and Hikaru facing off against each other

Kuro: Alright Tigris let's do this!

Hikaru: Aquario! Show them your stuff!




Kuro: Then together-

Hikaru: We'll take on the world!


The beys clash

Now we cut to blader Dj

Blader Dj: Listen closely folks because I've got big news, the competition to decide Japan's representatives for the official wbba tournament the beyblade world championships, will be happening all around the country at the same time do you hear me sure you do!

Now pay attention because he comes the rules for this puppy

Winning with a sleep out gets you guessed it one point

Winning because of a stadium out earns oh 2 points

But continue to battle with all the time that you have, the 5 bladers that earn the most points will move on too the finals

So ballers all around the country gather in the arena now beyblade is

Worldwide baby!

Kuro and Hikaru get to an arena

Hikaru: Well here we are

Kuro: Oh yeah this is gonna be such a blast

Hikaru: No hard feeling if you don't get in

Kuro: right back at ya babe

Blader Dj: Thanks for waiting beyfans because the official wbba competition to decide the members of the national team starts now!

First up due to a special ruling the Winner and runner up of battle bladers have both already been chosen as members of team Japan, Yeah baby! Who will be the next blader! To join Ginkga and Kuro!

Hikaru: Heh well I'll be damned, gotta go and join him the let's do this Aqaurio!

Kuro is walking down the hall way aa Gingka is running screaming

Gingka: What gives! What gives! What gives

He throws open the door

Gingka: Father! What's this all about!

Ryo: Huh?

Gingka: What's the deal with me being chosen as a regular without even battling

Kuro: I'd assume it's because we came first and second in battle bladers so it make sense to do it that way

Ryo: Exactly you two are already the 2 strongest bladers in Japan so they'd be no point

Gingka continues whining

Blader Dj: So since there are two already confirmed regulars this is how the battle line up for the finals will go

Alright here's the battles I thought so

3rd vs 4th 
Winner gets a spot 
1st vs second
Winner gets a spot 

then for the final spot
Loser of the first battle vs the loser of the second battle

Then whoever loses that battle faces the 5th place to decide the sub member

Now those rules are clear let's get this show on the road!

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