Battle bladers

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Kuro is walking around when he ends up at a certain shop

Kuro: alright Tigris it's time to get you healed up

He walks in through the door where he sees Gingka, Kenta, Kyoya, Benkei and Madoka

Kuro: Hey Madoka I kind of need some help here

Madoka runs up: Oh wait Kuro! I thighs I recognised that bey you're the one in the last battle

Kuro: Yeah that's me

Kyoya: Seriously! This guy

Kuro: Yup here's proof!

He whips out eclipse Tigris

Kenta: Well that is solid proof

Benkei: Ok spill stop being so mysterious! Who are you?

Kuro: Fine I guess I better say it then first of all Gingka you lost against Ryuga didn't you

Gingka gets a bit saddened: yeah but tell me how do you know that name and how do you know about L Drago

Kuro sighs: I've been stopping around here every once in a while to get my bey fixed sometimes Madoka's tracked me down to get her fixed

Gingka and Kenta chuckle

Kenta: sounds like her

Madoka: it's not my fault he's reckless

Kuro: Anyway once I mentioned I had a power hungry brother

Gingka's, Kyoya's, Kenta's and Madoka's eyes widens

Gingka: Wait seriously!

Kyoya: are you freaking kidding me

Kenta: no way

Madoka: unbelievable

Benkei: uh what's going on why are you all freaking out

Kyoya: he's Ryuga's brother Benkei

Benkei: WHAT!?

Kuro: yeah believe me I don't blame you for being surprised and I can tell you have a lot of questions so come on spill but first hey Madoka do you mind repairing Tigris for me

Madoka: Oh! Of course, ugh you where clearly reckless again but don't worry I'll have them repaired soon

Kuro sits down: alright let's hear those questions

Kyoya: all I want to know is are you with Ryuga and the dark nebula

Kuro: No the exact opposite I want to beat my brother and destroy the dark nebula

Kyoya: Hmm alright then good enough for me

Kenta: what was Ryuga like when he was a kid

Kuro: Well he was an asshole but more in a sibling type of way

They all looked at him confused

Kuro: he's whole mindset was that if people didn't like him he could go away he was also kind of protective of me too

Gingka coldly: I can't imagine that psycho caring about anyone but himself

Kuro: huh?

Gingka: you don't know what he did to Ryo Hagane do you

Kuro: who

Gingka: tch alright I'll explain

Gingka goes into detail about everything Ryuga did too his father

Gingka: and then when I faced him again he mocked me about it, he called my dad and his bey second rate, saying he couldn't cut it and told me to grovel at his feet just like my father did

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