What lies beyond ch 61

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What Lies Beyond ch 61
At The Park-Robin was walking when she ran into Elizabeth who was pushing the twins in a stroller."Robin" Elizabeth, How are the twins "Good, We just had lunch with my parents trying to fix our relationship "I hope you do, I just had lunch with my daughter and your son Jake, You know they are dating "Yes I think they are cute together "Me too, Jake reminds me of Jason before the accident "Yes," Elizabeth said "Well I need to get to the hospital "Robin said she left.

At a car repair shop, it was abandoned when Jake came in and took the for sale sign off the wall."I think this is it" Jake said to himself.

At General Hospital- Skye Lorenzo and Lila Rae were waiting for news about Gabriella who was being looked at by Portia when Robin came in."Robin, Can you look at our daughter? Gabriella had her first kidney dialysis today and she passed out at home "Yes I'll go see what I can find out "Robin said as she left," If Gabriella never found out about her being adopted then she would focus on her recovery, I wish I just know the truth Skye said "I never wanted her to find out" Of course you don't! You were never going to tell me! Now I find out you brought her! Just like I was stolen to the highest bidder! Gabriella is going through the same process I did" Skye said "Yes hopefully she won't fall in all your footsteps like drinking "Lorenzo said Skye slapped Lorenzo."Can you both stop? All that matters is getting Gabriella better Lila Rae said "Yes you're right "Yes"

A woman was watching them fight in the hallway.

Gabriella's room- Portia was looking at Gabriella when Robin came in."Dr.Robinson, Do you need any assistance? "Patient is going into kidney failure we just added her to the top of the donor list and have put her on more medication to stabilize her" You are heading in the right direction I hope so, Gabriella isn't doing well but she always puts a lot of pressure on her body before this with an eating disorder "Yes that affects your health "Yes it does, "Robin said as Gabriella was waking up a little."What happened "You passed out, You're family brought you here "What is going on" You need a new kidney as soon as possible, put you on more medicine, you need to rest "That's hard to rest, I got into a fight with my father before I came here" You need to remind calm, I'll go get your parents 'My adopted parents "Gabriella said "Gabriella they love you "Portia said as she left the room with Robin.

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