What Lies Beyond ch 2

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What Lies Beyond ch 2
At General Hospital-Elizabeth was waiting for AJ they were going to have a sonogram on the baby when AJ came by."Elizabeth, Sorry I'm late" Did you have an ELQ meeting "No I'll tell you later let's go check on the twins "AJ said as Portia came by."I'm ready for you "Portia said

In Gabriella's room- Gabriella was in her bed she was waking up and confused about what was going on when Skye came in," Mother, Why I'm here" You were shot last night but you will be fine "Who shot me? I don't remember anything Just rest baby" Skye said she didn't want to tell Gabriella the truth.

Portia office-Elizabeth was lying down on the bed as Portia was doing the sonogram and AJ was holding her hand," How are the twins "So far they are perfect but I suggest now that you're in the late stages of pregnancy to take some time off" I have decided that last night was a lot on me "Yes it was a stressful night "Portia said "Yes it was" AJ said

Maya was looking at the hole in the ceiling when Skye came by," Maya" Last night was horrible "Yes it was my daughter shot my other daughter "I'm sorry how are you feeling "I'm sad for Kim I just try to talk to her but she won't listen to me" Kim was a great doctor "Yes she was", Maya can you look at Gabriella chart? How bad is the damage "I will"

Tracy was pushing Monica in the wheelchair as they came by."Monica, I'm glad you're coming home today "Yes we are" Thank you, I heard about Gabriella I hope she is alright "Me too" She will be a Quartermaine," Tracy said

Elizabeth and AJ came by."How is the baby "Great but I'm taking my maternity leave now "I think that's wonderful "Yes"

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