What Lies Beyond ch 19

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What Lies Beyond Ch 19
At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye was sneaking into the house her dress looked out of place and her bra strap was showing when Tracy came by," Skye, I take it you're visiting with Ric went well" Tracy said as she fixed Skye's bra and they went into the den as Lila Rae came in the house."Yes we enjoyed each other's company tonight "Skye be careful you need to think clearly about this "I'm it's just been a while since I enjoyed a man's company" Yes I know but we have to concentrate on our plans to bring Lorenzo down "Tracy said

Lila Rae overheard that and was upset she wished her parents had just gotten along and her mother would stop trying to take Lorenzo from them she was about to go inside but she was too upset to confront her mother and went upstairs.

At AJ Hotel- AJ was overseeing everything for tomorrow's opening day," Everything is set for tomorrow's opening day" Good it has to be perfect "AJ said as he was thinking about the new name for the hotel and how much it will mean to his family.

At Lorenzo- Lorenzo and Carly were on the couch having sex as Ava was outside looking through the window and saw them together and was upset as she left the property.

At a Warehouse- A man was going over shipment when Ava came in."It's time to take over this whole town I will be running the show! Ava yelled

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