What Lies Beyond ch 11

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What Lies Beyond ch 11
At The Quartermaine mansion-Elizabeth and AJ were talking."AJ, When Skye was here you looked nervous talking to her about Lorenzo, What's going on are you keeping a secret "Yes I am, that night Gabriella was shot I learned a secret about her" What is it? Is it bad? Elizabeth asked "Yes it is," AJ said as he got up and closed the door."Gabriella isn't Skye and Lorenzo's biological daughter "No, I did know her blood type is different I just didn't realize that they adopted her" She was not illegally adopted, Lorenzo stole her and Skye doesn't know about it "No" I don't want Skye to know it will destroy her" She loves Gabriella and that wouldn't change no matter what "I hope not," AJ said

At Olivia's restaurant -Ned was talking to Ayden about the restaurant when Carly came in."Carly, You're back in town "Yes I'm And I was wondering if the job open still stands "That's up to Ayden this is his restaurant now" Really "Yes" We do need a hostess, Ned what do you think "Ayden all the business decisions are yours now "Alright, Carly I guess the job you're "Thanks you" Carly said Ayden left."So my boss is a young guy "We all have to start somewhere and I think this is perfect for you" Ned said and left.

At Steve-Steve was taking care of Jeff who was staying with him."I'm glad you're alright it was touch and go" Well I had some great doctors on my team" Yes you did" This is my second chance to get it right, "Jeff said as Elizabeth came in with bags of medication in her hands."Dad, I have your medicine "Thank you, How are you "I'm alright, Ayden is taking over Olivia's restaurant "Really that's nice" Steve said "You and this Olivia have a relationship didn't you" Yes we did it was a long time ago, Mom didn't like it" You're mother doesn't want anyone with you" No, Thank God she gone she can't hurt anyone "Steve said

Hayden was outside the door thinking about leaving when Sarah came by."I know this is not easy and has many mistakes as a father it's hard "Yes it is, I have made mistakes as a mother too but not like him" No matter how we try not to our father "Yes we can't change biology "Hayden said they went inside.

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