Chapter 11

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Waking up from his not so short nap, Kook was now sitting on the bed with Tae beside him sleeping without any care. Kook leaned on the headboard behind and looked at his baby's sleeping figure.

If someone sees him now, they will find him so peaceful. Who would believe he was panicking and was on the verge of breaking down if not for his Kookie comforting him.

Kook ran his fingers through the older's soft locks soothingly. "Baby wake up! Hyung is here. You wanted to talk right?" Kook whispered near the other's ear, making him stir up a little in his sleep.

"What time is it?" Tae asked in his raspy voice.

"It's evening already." Kook informed Tae who was sitting on the bed looking here and there. Suddenly something clicked in his mind. "Hyung!" Tae almost shouted.

He threw the blanket down from his self and ran out of the room straight towards Jimin's room. And Kook just sat there dumbfounded. He shook his head and trailed behind Tae.

Tae burst open Jimin's room door and straight went to Jimin and hugged him from behind, who was standing in the balcony. Jimin at first was startled by the sudden hug but soon settled down. "What happened bub?" Jimin asked, caressing the back of the other's hand.

"Hyung...he-he's back. What should I do now?" Tae said in a slight panicked tone.

Jimin turned Tae towards himself, such that both are facing each other now. "Tell me clearly, who's back?" Jimin asked, concern laced in his voice for the younger.

"Ok Taecyeon" Kook's voice ringed in the room.

Jimin widened his eyes as he heard what just Kook said. "And also he threatened that he will come back to take what belongs to him...he went to Tae's office and..." Kook trailed off the rest. He doesn't want to make the other uncomfortable.

Jimin looked at Tae who was looking down. "Bub you are ok, right? He didn't do anything to you, right?" Jimin asked. He made Tae look at him. Tears threatening to cascade down his almond eyes. "H-He touched m-me hyung." Tae said, his voice quivering.

Jimin pulled Tae in a hug and rubbed his hand on the younger's back soothingly. "Don't worry Tae, he can't anything. Your hyung is here to protect you." Jimin said in soft tone, comforting the other.

"Hyung we need to inform Jin hyung and the others." Kook said.

Jimin nodded, agreeing to what Kook said.

"That bastard! We shouldn't have spared him that time." Yoongi said seething in anger. They were currently sitting at Jimin's office room in their home. They told everything to the others.

"I know hyung...but that time we didn't have the power to do something and who did have the power wasn't with us." Jimin said gritting his teeth. He fisted his hand tight to the point his knuckles turned white remembering the incidents of back then.

"Jiminah, calm yourself down." Jin voiced out.

"How can you tell me to calm down hyung? That man was also our father but he chose to believe his bastard of a son over us even after knowing what happened!" Jimin said, his voice dangerously low. His eyes turned red with anger.

Yes, Ok Taecyeon is their step-brother. Their father, the then Mafia King, Park Junghyun's child. To be precise the child he had with his mistress. Their father never loved their mother it was a political marriage for the business purpose. But after Taecyeon's birth he was brought back to the Kim Mansion as an adoptee of the then Mafia King. But somehow years later it was revealed that Taecyeon was Mr. Park's child. From then on Mr. Park supported him with everything even if he was wrong and that led to something which was beyond correction.

"Hyung should we report him?" Tae asked.

"We can't do that Tae. Though we help the prosecution with illegal things but we can't deny the fact that we belong to the biggest mafia group of the underworld. And to top it off Jimin is the Mafia King." Namjoon explained.

It was never an option to report Taecyeon because they themselves are involved in mafia no matter how much they help the prosecution with illegal things.

"Then what should we do? I'm sure he won't be sitting quiet." Jin voiced out his concern.

"For now we will keep a close eye  on him. Hobi hyung try to find out as much info as possible regarding him and the people he had connections with over the years" Jimin asked Hoseok, to which Hoseok replied with an 'okay'.

"And also see that if Orion has anything to with him." Jimin said while thinking something.

Jin frowned hearing Jimin. " Why Orion? I mean does they have something to do with it?" Jin asked. He could not connect between the two incidents.

"Not really hyung...just to be assured." Jimin said. He himself doesn't know as to why he connected both the incidents. But nonetheless, to be on the safe side he needed the infos.

"Since you asked about the Orion, we were working on it but till now nothing suspicious came infront... except the fact that we were not able to find any detail about their heir." Hoseok informed.

Jimin hummed. He was not able to understand who can be this person who can hide from the Mystic Oak. And most importantly why would they follow them. These things were getting more complicated. He needs to find out soon who is this person and if by chance does he have anything to with Taecyeon, their so-called brother.

Everyone was in their own world thinking what will happen from here on and what should they do to prevent Taecyeon from harming them. They can't let the history to repeat itself. And mostly Jimin and Kook were worried as to how they will protect their precious brother who has already been a prey to the bastard.

To be continued~

Hey guys! I wanted to let you guys know that in the coming chapters there will be incidents from the past and also what happened to the Kim brothers.
Well thanks for reading though. Let me know if you enjoyed. Don't be a silent reader please.
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