Chapter 7

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A/N: I saw a TikTok video of a college called Vassar in New York, and I thought it had a stronger aesthetic than the college I was originally considering

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A/N: I saw a TikTok video of a college called Vassar in New York, and I thought it had a stronger aesthetic than the college I was originally considering. So, I decided to switch my choice of college. It's not a distracting detail, but if you don't like it, just imagine the situation before or whatever.

"Please don't start the class, please don't start the class," I whispered as I ran to the closed class door. I looked through the window into the auditorium, and it was packed to the brim. My eyes nervously scanned the room to find an open seat, but the only seat available was the first one near the door. John had to take the car to get the oil changed, which was a whole week ago, so I'm carpooling with the girls until then. Today I decided to ride with Mollie instead of Anya. Anya did mention that I would regret my choice. I thought of it as a joke, but no, she's right, because Mollie drives like a grandma, and the crazy thing is that my great-grandma will smoke her on the road.

I thought she had a morning class like me, but she told me her professor canceled class and she was not a ticket for speeding. I highly doubt she'll be pulled over for speeding, mostly for underspeeding. 

The professor is already talking, and I don't want to open the door. I heard too many horror stories, but I was noticed by a red-haired girl sitting next to the open seat, and she grabbed the professor's attention. He turned around and saw me. He was a tall figure with coiffed salt-and-pepper hair and a chiseled jawline. I gave him a nervous wave. I thought he would frown and shoo me away, but to my surprise, he gave me a friendly smile and gestured me inside.

I entered the classroom with hundreds of eyes on me, and people were muttering. I looked around and saw everyone wearing the basics, like sweaters, hoodies, and sweats. I didn't get the memo as I looked down at my bright yellow strapless sundress. I quickly took off my book bag to sit down. I noticed the professor stared at me with blue eyes and shook his head as if he were zoned out.

"Again, good morning, class! I'm Professor Johnson, for those who missed it. Welcome to Debate 101," he began, his voice projecting authority mixed with enthusiasm. 

"I trust you'll be ready for a semester filled with lively discussions, critical thinking, and maybe even a little bit of friendly argumentation." As half of the room rippled with laughter, the rest of the room exchanged nervous glances, including me.

"Now, to kick things off, let's start class with our first debate, hm." Professor Johnson announced. "Today, we're going to settle a question that has divided humanity for centuries: What is the best cookie?"

The room erupted into a mixture of laughter and incredulous murmurs. Cookies? Really?

"Before you protest," Professor Johnson continued, raising a hand to silence the growing chatter. "Let me assure you, this is not just a frivolous exercise. The debate over the best cookie touches on a wide range of issues."

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⏰ Last updated: 17 hours ago ⏰

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