Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I just want to go home. My eyes glanced at the clock and saw hand now hit the appointed hour. I have been smiling for a while now, and my face hurts. I know that my facial muscles will give out soon. These heels are killing me, and don't get me started on the lights of the cameras proceeding to blind me.

"Ladies, gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, and honored guests, welcome to the Annual Banquet of Rhodes Hospital!" The crowd clapped. "I'm thrilled to see you all here for this occasion tonight," said the announcer, speaking charismatically.

"Tonight, we celebrate the dedication, compassion, and hard work that define every one of you. We come together not just as a hospital but as one big family."

I would rather spend my night cozy in bed reading a book, but my father insists I come. I don't know why, because the celebration is mostly for him.

"I am pleased to be standing here today with this extraordinary man and his family, who have made our hospital a symbol of hope and healing in our community. This man needs no introduction, as he is truly exceptional. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the owner of Rhodes Hospital, Dr. James Rhodes!"

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers. My father approached the wood podium in his charcoal gray suit and freshly gray low-fade, waving to the audience.

"Thank you, Denise, for those kind words, and I agree. This hospital wouldn't be here, but that's what my family believed this city needed. After many, many years of collaborative effort, We're standing here strong." His gaze swept across the room. "We are moving forward. I am confident in the abilities of the remarkable new individuals who make up our community. Together, we will continue to innovate, to explore new avenues, and to ensure that our legacy remains as strong as ever."

Adrenaline raced to my heart when legacy came up. This hospital is a family legacy. My great-grandparents expected everyone to become a doctor to inherit it.

"So, let us raise our glasses to the growth and the obstacles that we face to overcoming them, and the unity that defines Rhodes Hospital." My father raised his glass, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The crowd enthusiastically raised their glasses in response to clinking glassware as people toasted.

The flashing lights of the cameras blind us when we off the stage and he shakes the hands of all the highest contributors. I nodded at them with my hands behind me. We decided to walk back to our seats.

"Good speech, Dad," I said.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

"I noticed you mentioned something that resonated with me."

"What's that?" He waved at the people we passed by.

"Well, you mention legacy, and I couldn't help—"

"Anjanae, we already discussed this. I'm not sending you to college."

"But Dad, you sent John off to college—"

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