Chapter VIII: Explorers

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Fox here~! Sorry for stopping for a while, I just ran out of ideas. But I'm thinking about starting a new Victorian-era Fantasy work, so look out for that~! Without further ado, here we go~!

On the bridge of a Kotakan light cruiser in the middle of uncharted space, we see 3 people: An Elite soldier standing by the door as a guard, wearing light chrome armour and wielding an energy submachine gun; a contracted explorer in the corner dressed in combat boots, a pair of jeans, a white tank top, a brown trench coat, a gas mask over their face, short brown hair, and a sabre on their waist; and a skilled pilot in the driver's seat dressed in a dark blue leather uniform, a pair of black leather gloves, and a dark blue helmet with a sunglass lens over the whole mask (like an astronaut). The cruiser lands on the surface of a tropical jungle planet, completely unexplored. "We're here." The pilot announces to the whole ship.

The explorer and soldier both climb off of the ship and take a look around. "So much nature..." The explorer mumbles as they quickly draw a map based on what they can see. "Why not just use a computer to write it down?" The soldier asks. "Because we're out of range, idiot. You can only use the Internet when within a close enough distance to a net emitters. That's why we've been constantly going forward then stopping on our journey here. We traveled some of the journey, then contacted others to install net emitters at the point when we would be out of range. A physical map is what we need, since we would be out of range otherwise." The explorer explains. "Thanks for the explanation, though I don't appreciate being called an idiot." The soldier replies. The explorer ignores this as the two of them journey through the jungle forest, taking in the scenery. The yellow trees wave in the wind and the red boulders give a colourful contrast.

As the explorer and soldier continue on their exploration, the soldier gets grabbed by a yellow vine. As the soldier screams and lashes out, they lift their submachine gun and fire a barrage of energy bolts and eventually hits the vine; detaching it from the rest of the vine. The explorer just stands by and watches, writing down everything they saw. "I didn't help because I knew you could handle it." The explorer says, answering the soldier's question before it was even asked. All of a sudden, more vines start lashing at them, trying to grab and whip the duo. The soldier shoots down the vines as the explorer parries and chops the ones coming too close to the soldier, the soldier being the offense and the explorer the defense. As they continue this strategy, it ends up succeeding and they finally finish off the last of the vines.

17 hours later, an exhausted explorer and a tired soldier climb aboard the ship, ready to leave. "It took a while, but we're finally done..." They say in sync. The pilot doesn't even greet them as the 3 people fly off, ready to colonize the planet...

Hi~! Fox here~! Once again I'm sorry for not writing for a while (though I never had any readers prior to this so I really don't need to apologize), but I'm back! And just a reminder, but check out my other books! They might not be there, but I might make them anyways. Fox out~!

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