Chapter II: Patrol

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Hi~! Fox here~! This story is a particularly unique one, but I hope you enjoy it~!

On the snow planet of Forzon IV, we focus in on a rookie soldier on her very solo mission. Her long burgundy hair blows in the icy wind as she traverses the blizzard. *"Why do I have to trudge through all of this stupid snow and deal with this dumb blizzard just for a darn patrol, when nobody's going to be doing anything illegal in THIS blizzard?! It's so unfair how I'm literally the ONLY person out right now and everyone else is just sitting in shelter!"* She thinks as she aggressively trudges through the snow, using her arm to protect her eyes and her other arm to adjust her goggles.

Just as she's about to turn back and just give up on her patrol, she hears an explosion. Without a second thought, she rushes towards the danger and sees a group of 3 people trying to rob an ore bank. She lifts her ballistic assault rifle, takes aim, and shoots at them. She misses most of her shots because of her inexperience and the fact that she's shooting in a blizzard with thick goggles on, but those that land take out one of the targets. "HEY! NO ROBBING BANKS ON MY WATCH!" She shouts at them, trying to intimidate them.

One of them starts running immediately, but trips in the snow and falls to the ground; hitting his head and knocking him out. The other that DIDN'T try running, however, lifted his own ballistic pistol and shoots at her. He's still not very precise because of the blizzard, but he has more experience under his belt so a few of his shots land. 2 land on her chest (which are blocked by her bullet-resistant vest), and the third shots hits her shoulder; causing her to drop her ballistic assault rifle. She then pulls out her ballistic pistol and shoots at the target. She fires all of her shots, and only 2 of those land. They land lethally, though; taking out her final enemy. She then puts her pistol away and starts dragging the unconcious enemy with her as she heads to a prison.

When she reaches the prison, she doesn't even speak to anyone as she drags the body into an open prison cell. "Tried to rob an ore bank with explosives, tried to run from me, tripped and got knocked out." She says to nobody in particular as she walks out. She then heads back to her base and lies down in her bed, not even taking off her armour or heavy winter coat. Her commanding officer walks up to her. "Did you complete your entire patrol route?" He asks her. She just rolls to the side, looking away from him. "Yeah yeah, I completed it... And by the way, sorry for being a little rude about it... I encountered some trouble... It seems like there really isn't much time to rest in this job, is there...?" She says to him.

"Well, there's always time to rest. You're not the only person here. Just... Make sure to do your part and try not to complain too much..." He says to her as she chuckles and quickly grasps her own shoulder in pain. "Ow, laughter hurts..." She says to herself. "Maybe you should... I don't know, go to the medical bay?" He says to her in a concerned tone. "Yeah, I'll go down there... I just need some time to rest before... I need some time to warm up before..." She says to him, explaining why not. "Oh, alright. Just make sure to go there at some point, alright?" He says in a concerned tone. "Yeah, I'll do that..." She says as she starts to smile, glad about her experience despite her injury as her commander walks away.

Fox here~! I hope you enjoyed this one~! Just a fun little thing I thought of~! As always, you can comment any problems you have and I'll help on trying to fix them~! Fox out~!

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