Chapter VII: The Superelites

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Hi~! Fox here~! Sorry for disappearing for a bit, I was just busy with life and other stuff and I kind of just forgot. But I'm trying pretty hard to work everything out~! So enjoy~!

Across the galaxies, Elite Nexus Soldiers are widely known as the best soldiers ever; with a 0.0001% accept rate in the entire galaxy and the finest equipment ever. But they're a division, not a rank. This means that there are multiple ranks within the division. The highest of these ranks? Superelites.

Only 1% of the already relatively small division of Elites have become Superelites, and for good reason. A small squadron of Superelites are dispatched in place of hundreds of normal Elites, and these squadrons' members all have a unique purpose: A Heavy Gunner (who uses heavy weapons such as a light machine gun, a flamethrower, or a rotary cannon/gatling gun), a Demolitions Expert (who uses explosives and bombs), a Sniper (who uses sniper rifles), a Combat Medic (who uses support weapons and medical knowledge), a Jetpacker (who uses a jetpack and light weapons), and a Commander (who uses tactical knowledge and leadership skills). Don't see how these guys are the toughest of the tough? Let me show you.

On the aquatic-jungle planet of Trosiba, we home in on a small team of 6 Elite soldiers fighting off a giant group of insurgents. One soldier is wearing heavy armour, standing out in the open and shooting a rotary energy cannon at the horde of enemies. The second is wearing blast-proof armour and is crouched down on one knee, firing and reloading a rocket launcher. The third is mounted on a cliff far away, wearing black armour and sniping at the enemies with a powerful anti-materiel rifle. The fourth is wearing thin armour and hiding behind a wall and shooting from an electromagnetic shotgun, disabling energy equipment while treating injured civilians' wounds. The fifth is wearing light and flexible armour while shooting at enemies from a jetpack with an energy submachine gun. And the sixth is wearing medium armour and shooting with a standard energy assault rifle while barking orders.

The combined effort of all 6 Superelites push back the insurgents for quite a while... That is, until the tank shows up! This isn't an ordinary tank, though: It's equipped with energy-proof plating, bomb-proof paint, bulletproof hardlight shields, torpedo launchers, rotary energy cannons, and a high-powered plasma beam launcher. The sniper's bullets and the medic's electromagnetic bolts don't pierce or affect the hardlight shields, the demolition expert's rockets don't damage the paint, and the rest of them have too small ordnances to ever pierce the shields before they regenerate; let alone the energy-proof hull!

Without any choice, they all take cover as the torpedoes destroy everything they touch and the rotary cannon blasts everything in sight. While the rotary cannon is cooling down from it's barrage, the plasma beam launcher fires a destructive beam of blue and purple energy that melts through anything and everything. The commander then notices something, though... Both the plasma beam launcher and the rotary energy cannon can't be charged or active at the same time! Therefore, there's a short period of time before and after the plasma beam where the rotary energy cannon or plasma beam launcher is charging up the weapons.

During one of these periods, the commander orders the demolitions expert to fire a rocket at the tank's shield generator. The rocket hits and destroys the hardlight shield, leaving the shield generator vulnerable. And now, without any bullet resistance to block the sniper, the commander tells the sniper to shoot the shield generator out. The shot hits, and the tank is now without shields. The medic then uses his electromagnetic shotgun to disable the guns on top of the tank, while the jetpacker flies on top of it and shoves the torpedo barrel full of rubble. The jetpacker then escapes at the perfect moment, as the cannon reactivates just then. The heavy gunner then jumps out of cover and starts shooting the tank as a distraction and to weaken the hull near the barrel. As the tank shoots a torpedo and it gets caught in the rubble, the entire top explodes and the tank is done for... All in a day's work...

Hi~! Fox here~! Enjoy your day~

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