Chapter I: The Ace

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Hi~! Fox here~! I don't have anything to say, so enjoy the story~!

In the skies of the planet Protaka VII, we home in on a specific dogfight between a set of insurgent starships and an equal number of Nexus starships. The Nexus fighters are currently taking a beating, since the insurgents are highly trained pilots. This point needs to be defended, as the insurgents plan on bombing Protaka VII's fuel reserves; and without Nexus' largest sources of starship fuel, they'll be at a major disadvantage. Soon enough, all but one of the Nexus starships are destroyed.

Oddly enough, the only Nexus starship is completely unscathed... The insurgents fire at the Nexus starship, but the Nexus starship is just too fast for them. It dodges and weaves through the energy machine guns' bolts, dodging every single shot. Even outnumbered, the ace pilot manages to pick off each and every of it's targets without missing a single shot.

Immediately after the pilot's mission is complete, the pilot sees a Class V starship (the largest type) coming their way and it doesn't look friendly since it's shooting right at the ace... The ace shoots at the Class V with their energy cannons to see what kind of shielding it has, and the bolts just immediately dissipate into a blue barrier. *"Energy shields, eh? The blue colouration gives it away... Energy ammunition doesn't work, but physical attacks pass straight through. That means there's probably bulletproof armour on the hull, though... Well, I just have to take out the shield generator and use my energy cannons to take it down..."* The ace thinks as they fire a rocket at the shield generator, taking it down and dropping the shield.

The ace then uses their ship's energy cannons to pierce the hull and take out the main command centre. Once the command centre is destroyed, the ship isn't piloted anymore and is just standing there. It's cannons are still active because they have AI gunners, though, and they're shooting right at the ace. The ace weaves right past the energy bolts and rockets, and hits the engines with a barrage of energy bolts. The ace then alerts the people down below of the Class V crashing down below, and flies out of there so the proper ships can fly in and minimise damage without interference.

The ace then reports that their mission is complete, and asks for their next mission...

Hi~! Fox here~! I hope you enjoyed the story~! Bye~

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