Chapter III: The Jetpackers

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Hi~! Fox here~! I don't have much to say except for you to enjoy it~!

On the remote volcanic planet of Liprosa, we see a group of 32 soldiers engaged in a shootout with 77 insurgents. The rocky terrain is flooded with blue energy bolts, and the soldiers are hiding behind various forms of cover such as damaged walls, several containers, and large rocks. Some of the soldiers unfortunate enough to have not found cover are hit by the energy bolts, but some survive one or two shots before they're hit in an unarmoured spot or their armour breaks.

We see the commander of the soldiers shouting commands, some ending well and others not so much. That is, until the jetpackers arrive... In a matter of mere minutes, a set of 6 lightly armoured soldiers wearing jetpacks fly across the sky, shooting their energy submachine guns at the enemies. They evade the gunfire and shoot back with a flurry of unaimed shots, only landing hits due to the large number of enemies and the extreme firerate of their energy submachine guns.

Not a single shot hits the jetpackers because of their speed and agility, and their shots take down most of the enemies. When the enemies start lowering in numbers, though, they become less effective. They decide to switch tactics and put their submachine guns down, instead grabbing the enemies and slamming them against surfaces or dropping them from high heights one by one.

Once the rest of the enemies are taken down, the jetpackers fly off as the ground soldiers walk back to base, reporting on the success of their mission...

Fox here~! Bye~

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