Chapter VI: The Engineer

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Fox here~! Enjoy the piece~!

On the planet of Prime, we see a man in a black trench coat walk up to the Nexus Organisation's primary office. He says to the person at the front desk, "My name is John Lewis. I have an appointment with the head of the weapons department?" The man at the front desk replies. "Of course. Down the hall, third door to the right." John follows his instructions and sees the head of the weapons department, Yuri Kendo, sitting on a chair. John approaches him and shakes his hand. "John Lewis. Pleasure to meet you." He says. Yuri replies in a stern tone. "It's going to be a pleasure when you impress me."

John is a little surprised by his tone, but doesn't think much of it as he shows Yuri his invention. He pulls a heavy energy pistol from his pocket. The pistol's energy glow is green, and the plating is a strange black metal.

Yuri looks at it curiously. "And... Why is this pistol like that?" John replies. "B-Because it's a new type of pistol! Disintegration technology is relatively new and only capable of being supported by heavy weapons, right? Well I managed to compact it into a pistol!" Yuri is appalled by this revelation. "That's... How? What are the drawbacks?" John replies to this. "Well the power source was still pretty big, so I had to sacrifice energy efficiency. Therefore, it only has 12 shots before needing to recharge. And because it's a pistol, it packs a lot of recoil in every shot."

Yuri thinks this over and replies. "And it's still useful as a sidearm, since sidearms are meant to be used until you can grab your standard weapon and not as a main weapon. And because it's a disintegration weapon, you only need one shot to vaporise your opponents! Therefore, you'll only get a few shots off of your sidearm before grabbing your standard weapon! Genius!" Yuri is quite impressed. He immediately signs a contract with John and they leave.

Fox here~! Bye~

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