Ch. 38 - Where are your freckles?! (Part 2/2)

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2 chapter updates right after each other in the same series!!!!
3 chapter updates in total with one of them being in Dark Flames.
The reason? The first chapter of this story has two ways it can continue. This is the more fun version, in dark flames is a more gore versin.

It took him just over two weeks to reach the enemy pirate crew. Never once did he stop flying. He had taken no breaks, not to eat or drink and not to sleep. He powered through day and night with his flames burning brightly to keep him healthy.

He had no time to waste, he was on the most important mission of his life after all. Getting the freckles of his baby back.

Withing an hour of sighting the ship in the distance, did he reach the vessel and landed on it.

"Where is your captain-yoi?"

"Who are you?! What do you want?"

People called after him and he just raised an eyebrow, opening another button of his shirt without words.

Gasps were around as they noticed his tattoo.

"Whitebeard- you're a whitebeard!"

"Marco the Phoenix, first division commander. It's not nice to meet you." He introduced himself. "Now, where is your captain."

"Hah! We'll take care of you-"

Before the man could even finish his sentence, Marco was onto him and had him kicked into the sea.

"Where is your captain."

People around took a step back, whispering as one person ran inside. So Marco waited and waited. Just as he was about to go inside and get the captain himself, a woman walked out.

"So, I see Whitebeard needs another beating?"

"Beating?" Marco raised a brow, "As far a I was given information, it was your crew that ran off."

"After we achieved our goal." She grinned, "Boy didn't even stand a chance."

"Right." Marco's eyes turned to slithers, "You have something that I want."

"Oh do I now? I wonder what that is!!"

A thick marc appeared as the girl giggled. Playing around him when he felt how weak her haki was. She was nothing. He would have her killed in a second... but he couldn't. He didn't know how her powers worked. If whatever she did would become undone after she passed or if it would be made permanent. He couldn't take any risks.

"You have my baby's freckles. I want them-"

"Baby?!" Her eyes widened before she bursted into laughter, her crew following suit, "You call your second in command a baby!! Now that's why it was like taking candy from a baby, so easy hahahah!!!"

Marco was getting more and more annoyed by the second and he showed it without words. Simple took a few steps forward until he stood besides the main mast and gave it one solid kick.

The wood creaked and by the time he had his foot back on the deck, the main mast was already falling. Much to the horror of the captain and crew.


"I tried to say that I came to get my freckles back. If you don't... you and your crew or not leaving this place."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Me-yoi?" Marco actually looked surprised, "Nothing is wrong with me. I'm not the one who stole my love's freckles. You did. I should be asking what is wrong with you. But I honestly don't care and just want them back."

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