Ch. 21 - You're not Whitebeard (Part 6)

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Marco nodded at the results of the meeting, going over everything just a last time before pointing to one of the bullet points on the paper in the centre of the table. "Pops, you up for this soon-yoi?"

"Whenever you want, son."

"Alright. Let's show him." Marco smiled as he read the title of the paper, 'Portgas D. Ace.'.

It was just a day later that they put the plan into action. The sooner the could proof Pops was actually the real Whitebeard the better.


Ace gasped as he saw the old man suddenly do some weird arm movements and simultaneously a freaking earthquake happened.

"Spades!" He instantly called for his crew, trying not to curse at seeing the old man.

His loyal friends instantly ran to them, dropping the deck duties or other duties they were doing to join him.... with weapons?

"We're ready captain!" - "We've been waiting for this!" - "Goodjob figuring it out cap', we're with you!"

"What?" he was confused, what were they talking about. He saw out of the corner of his eyes that the old man looked to be hitting air and there was a crack? Wtf. New world earthquakes are sure something else. "Never mind whatever all of you are talking about! We need to help the old man!"

"Help...." - "The old man???" - "Captain? Aren't we... you know... gonne-"

"We don't have time for this! Don't you see he's having an episode of- of-" Ace uselessly waved his arms around, "SOMETHING! I don't know! But of course it's also the moment a stupid earthquake hits, everything always happening together. We need to get him inside to safety and let him lay down!"


"And none of his 'children' are doing jackshit about it, even that pineapple that's supposed to care the most for him. Look at h- YES I'M SPEAKING ABOUT YOU YOU EGG-HEAD! WATCH YOUR PA INSTEAD OF ME!" Ace yelled before shaking his shoulders, mumbling more, "Stupid freaking chicken with stupid good abs, stupid... yoi."


"Hmm? RIGHT! Spades! Commence mission get the old man to take a nap and make sure he's safe from the earthquake!"


Unlike the rest of the crew, the Spades were only briefly stumped before they quickly followed their captain he was already next to the giant, having literally pushes the poor first commander aside. Who of course let himself be pushed, if he didn't want to move, the spades were sure he wouldn't have budged, but the blond has learned by now to just let it happen and the more you prevent their captain from doing anything, the worse the situation will become. For you. Not for their captain.

"C'mon jiji! Let's go inside, it's not safe here."

"Gurarara boy! Don't worry, these are my powers, my devilfruit! I have perfect control, nothing will harm anyone on this ship!"

"This is not the time to play Whitebeard old m-", polite Ace, polite, remember the lessons. He took a breath and started again, "Please old man, I'm worried for you. Can you please come inside, please."

"Boy, I made this earthquake, didn't you see the cracks behind my hands? It's the fruit activating. Look, I'll do it again." True to his word, Edward raised a hand, balled a fist and slammed it against the air, hitting something and creating cracks while nothing was there.

Ace eeped as the ship shook violently, the wood around them creaking at the sea growing more intense, "It's getting worse!!!! Spades! We need the old man inside, NOW!"

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