Ch.9 - You're not Whitebeard (Part 3)

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Once back at the open spot, Ace instantly went up to the old man with a bright smile, he waited until the old man was done drinking his prune juice before speaking up.

"Yo old man, good news! I found your home!"

"My... home?"

"Yes, your house, isn't that great!"

-House???- "Ehm yes boy.... but ... I live on that boat." Whitebeard reacted confused while pointing to the ship not far behind them.

Ace looked towards the sea, indeed seeing a huge boat with a whale figurehead and the proud jolly roger of the Whitebeard Pirates displayed on the sails.

"... Deuce?"

The blue haired man hummed, showing he was close-by enough to hear him.

"Isn't that Whitebeard's ship, for reals?"

"It is, captain."

At his answer, Ace went silent for a moment, seeming to mull over the situation, looking between the old man and the ship.

Most of the commanders, while still confused, were looking on hopeful at the situation. There was no way the kid wouldn't be able to put two and two together now and realise that the old man was in fact Whitebeard himself.


Catching some movement from behind him, Deuce slightly turned to look at the person coming to stand next to him, looking at the scene in front of them.

"... He's not going to realise it... is he-yoi?" the man said soft enough for Deuce to hear, but not Ace.

"Hmm, what could have possibly given you that idea, first commander?" He replied with glee.

".... You're enjoying this..."

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Sighing Marco wiped a hand over his face. "Can't you.... aaah... I don't know-yoi. Can't you convince your captain that he is speaking with the real Whitebeard?"


"Yes, you."

"Why? It's your captain though who decided to name his crew after a non-existent beard."

"...Well, it's your captain who's not recognizing us, so shouldn't you, as a first mate, help him out and tell him?"

"I don't know if I should, Ace can take care of himself. Besides, this seems more like a you problem then a me problem, commander."

-Are you kidding me!- "... Are you really the sane one on this crew-yoi?"

Deuce hummed and took a moment to act as if he was deeply thinking and inspecting the other members. "I don't know about sane or insane or what not. But Yeap-," Deuce made sure to really pop the p, "I am your best shot at a level-headed crewmember in the Spades."

More to himself than anyone else did Marco grumble "Why, why does this keep happening to us."

Deuce cackled hearing it and gave the first mate of the Whitebeards a pat on the shoulder before making his way over to his own captain.


"Captain, what's up?"

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