Ch.7 - SHINY ! ! !

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Flying home is so boring-yoi... yoi-yoi-yoi~


SHINY !!! - Phoenix has changed course!


I'm slightly changing how Sea stone works.

This whole thing starts off as, seeming to just be an explanation, but I promise we're going somewhere with it! This chapter is not just an explanation of Sea-stone!

Skim through untill double line if first part is boring for you!

Sea-Stone, the greatest enemy to even the strongest devil fruit. Draining and weakening their target with a simple touch. The discovery of this mineral put an end to the reign of unbeatable powers. One who is normally untouchable with their devil fruit, now becomes but a simple human being, prone to even the smallest of damages. Even the smallest bit of Sea-stone will guarantee its effects, their power to nullify any devil fruit isn't to be underestimated.


For generations the above info is what has been passed down, everyone seems to know it naturally. It's as of this information is ingrained in everyone's very being from birth.

.... If only it was true .....

Contrary to popular believe, Sea-stone doesn't simply nullify a devil fruit's power.

Sea-stone actually only nullifies the future usage of said fruit.

'That's exactly the same...' is what you may be thinking, but nothing is more true. Listen, read, think, about what is nullified, EXCACTLY what is nullified.

Is it the devil fruit?  -  No

Is it a specific action or ability?  -  No

Is it the general use of a devil fruit?  - No

It is the FUTURE usage of said devil fruit.

Still confused?

Let me give you an example, one unrelated to devil fruits and Sea-stone.

Imagine you made a tray of ice cubes, you have them in your freezer, the low temperature in there is what keeps it frozen. You taking them out of the freezer, putting them in a hotter place, will make them melt and turn to water. It's essentially the 'Sea-stone' for the ice, you've just taken away the one thing the ice needs to survive, coldness. You've weakened it greatly. But remove the 'Sea-stone', remove the heat - give the ice cubes the cold back, and they'll be able to return to their solid- and strong state, ice, as if nothing ever happened.

What is so important here and how is this related to the original question at all is what you're starting to wonder?

Well, when you removed the ice cubes from the freezer, and they touched the hotter air around you, did they instantly dissolve and become water? No, no they didn't. They'll slowly melt.

Why? Because they've simply lost the ability to 'keep freezing themselves'.

Get it yet? Because of the ice's Sea-stone, heat, their future usage of their 'freezing' ability has been nullified, but that doesn't simply make the ice disappear. The ice that was already there, the parts that were already formed won't instantly disappear into thin air or become water.

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