Ch.3 - Broken stove (Part 2)

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I got pointed out that I had neglected to answer the very crucial question if Marco got his soufflés in the first chapter. And they were right, how dare I! So, I am hereby officially solving the mystery! 😆


It was dinner time and Marco and Whitebeard were already seated at the commanders table, leisurely talking about the day. When they were rudely interrupted by the other commanders plopping down onto the table with groans.

Marco even had to safe his coffee from falling over when the bigger once decided to headbang the table.

"... So, you guys finished Ace his tasks-yoi?"

"Urgh, how was he so behind on everything! I swear there was even a report of last year...."

"Don't start it, the amount of food hidden in his room, wow, just by trying to find some replacement ink I found like 23 chicken wings, and somehow they were still crispy."

"You ate them????"

"Yea, why not, was like a lil' reward"

"... We haven't had chicken wings in like 3 weeks!?"

"If Jozu's a diamond tomorrow we know why hahahhah"

"....So, finished-yoi?"

"Yes Marco, yes, somehow we were able to finish YOUR boyfriends work."

Marco simply took a sip of his coffee "good-yoi."

By the time Marco had his answer, the chefs were bringing out the food, the tables slowly being filled with their last food of the day.

In the meanwhile, the commanders were still talking to each other about their experiences of the day. "His writing was so bad, wow, I was quicker to remake the report then to try and read it!" - "How are the spades still this crazy without Ace leading them and even split up, I swear something happened to them in those years of sailing together." - "Oh yes, I found a shirt in Ace his room." "A shirt?! The kid barely has fresh pairs of pants, let alone underwear, and there was a shirt???" - "Yea" and the commander smirked while looking at Marco "A purple one, it was sticking out of Ace's pillow" - "Ooooh Birdyyyy, you forgot something throughout the night?"

"No-yoi, Ace just likes to keep one."

"You're not even trying to deny it..."

"Why would I deny, it's cute."

"'It'S CuTe', Stupid bird can't just laugh about something."

Marco shook his head at his brother and sighed –He sure had some weird brothers-yoi.- ...-Did my inside voice just copy my speech-tick.... Yoi ..................-

"Let's eat!" is what interrupted Marco's thoughts, in front of him was Thatch putting down one last plate before sitting down himself.

The talks started coming to an end and everyone started grabbing their meals, Marco got some fruits, mashed potatoes, beans and some meat. As a dessert he got one of his specially made pineapple soufl-....

"... Thatch, are we missing some things from the table?"

"Hmm?" the chef looked over their table and even briefly seemed to compare it to the other nearby ones. "No, no, this is everything."



"Where's the soufflés?" -The pineapples soufflés, the one thing he has been looking forward to for the whole week, since the very moment that Thatch promised it!-

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