Ch. 34 - The Moby Dick or The Moby 🍆 ???

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"Her name... is The Moby Dick!!!!!"
Whilst Edward Newgate looked like the proudest captain alive as he called out his ship's name, their youngest.... had an unexpected reaction.
After all, out of everything, he did not expect Ace to start laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"Pops, what's the name of our ship?"

The elder froze mid-sip of his definitely water and looked down at his newest son. "... You don't know?"


"Ace," Jozu spoke from where he had been tying down some boxes not far away and heard the question, "You've been here for 4 months... how do you not know?"

Scoffing Ace crossed his arms, "I've only just officially joined, the other months don't count."

"You didn't know beforehand?"

"Why would I?"

"Because... You searched Pops out."

Ace nodded at that, "Yes, Pops. Not the boat. I was out for his head, not to admire his boat."

"... He's all yours, Pops." the commander commented and went back to his work, Ace really was a special case.

As eager eyes looked up to him, Pops cleared his throat and stood up, walking the few steps to the front of the ship and placed a hand against the back of the figurehead. Stroking over it a few times he looked back and spoke with pride in his voice.

"My son, this absolute beauty that has carried us through the harshest of waters is known as nothing else then the Moby Dick!"


Thinking his son didn't hear he patted the wood again and spoke again, "the Moby Dick! Isn't she a beauty-"

"Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff hahahhahhahahaahhahahhah"

Whitebeard blinked as his son started wheezing and laughing, "What's wrong?"

Just like the elder, others who had come outside to see what was happening after hearing their captain's booming voice were confused on why Ace busted into laughter when he was just introduced to the best ship on the seas.

"B-be-bec-becouse!!!!!!!" Ace called out between laughs, wiping his tears as he tried to stand up straight. "DICK?!" He almost yelled in question. "You called her a dick??? What a dick move!!! Hahahhahahahaha." Barely able to get his sentence out he was bend over again, holding his stomach as he laughed, embers springing from his mouth at how loud he was laughing.

"It- it's from a famous story!!!!!!!!"

"From the story of the bird and the bees????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh god, I can't." The raven wheezed, stumbling to the side to hold onto the railing as he laughed.

Edwards blushed lightly, something not thought possible, "She's not a dick! It's a name!!! She's a beauty that we ride everyday-"


"No! We're riding a boat! The best boat there is!" Pops defended his ship and patted her once more, "Made from the strongest and toughest wood, unmatched hardness and-"


"Wha- NO!" Pops went red again, how could his son keep laughing at her! "you- stop laughing! She's stunning and strong and carries us everywhere."

"Like- like a real l-lover!"

Pops nodded, some sailor did say their boat was their one love, "yes, our love-"

"That can take good good care of us."

Once again he nodded, finally his son got it. "Yes. She's always there for us. Squeezing through the narrowest gaps-" he stopped for a second as his son wheezed again.

"P-pushes through- s-small holes-"

"... Yes. She's sturdy, strong and-"

"We atleast lube her up before squeezing in, only seems polite and caring?"

"Lube?" Pops questioned, absentmindedly stroking his lovely boat, not knowing why his son seemed to be on the verge of tears as he regarded him. "She gets coated regular by fossa's division to keep the wood in good condition, yes."

"S-she's i-in regular use! Hahah"

"She's in constant use?" Pops said with a bit of a question, they used the boat every second, even when they docked the boat was never empty to it was always in use.

Once more his son was wheezing, even dropping to his knees before realizing something, "Oh god, I went on my knees. On my knees on the biggest di-"


For the umpteenth time Pops blinked, this time at his eldest son that just knocked his youngest out.


"Ace fell asleep, Pops. Sorry. You can tell the story of her later-yoi."

"He didn't fall asleep.... You hit him."

"I do not know what you're talking about." Marco spoke as he hefted the raven onto his shoulder, "I'm taking him to bed for a much needed nap."

"... Alright ... Tuck him in well, don't want him to get a cold."

"Ofcourse, Pops. I'll be back later."

Nodding he watched his eldest and youngest disappear into the ship before he turned, hands on the figurehead as he watched over her. The Moby Dick. She had been with him for so many years now. Even if it started a little wrong, he's happy he was able to show his newest recruit of her beauty and capabilities. They wouldn't be here where they are today without her. 

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