The Chancellor's Daughter [Future Book]

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[a/n: Future books won't have a second part] 

Hearing the fireworks above gave off a grand display of beauty in the night sky of the crown city, it was the eve of the signing ceremony, holding a party at the hotel and resort of the city was the most splendor of all evenings tonight; many were invited to the part at the top of the hotel where gentle music played in the background, food and drinks displayed on long tables covered in white tablecloths, crown guards on watch as the people enjoyed their night of luxury. But even with all these splendors around, the most spectacular and beautiful thing on display was princess Amber Nox Lucis Caelum; she wore only her best dress for this evening's event. the top was made out of the finest cut diamonds that shimmered with the perfectly dimmed lights along with the fireworks still popping and crackling above, the sleeves were off the shoulders letting the poof out at her wrists where they stopped, around her hips was a dark blue crystal flower pattern where her light blue skirt fluffed outward with small pearls here and there with a slight showing off her left leg when she walked showing off her perfectly fitted white heels that held a flower at the tip of her shoe. Her pale skin was stunning with her pearl necklace and earring set while her red wine-colored hair was held up in a very glorious messy style bun with some loose hairs framing her face as her mismatch eyes shimmered in the light.

She stood beside her uncle king Regis, watching the people enjoy themselves as they played along with this plan of his for the treaty, they already knew was a lie in itself; but her eyes couldn't help but cast over to her left looking over at Nyx who stood guard at the party for tonight, his eyes met her giving her a small smile when she returned it. Nyx was glad he still had her in his life after all that has happened so far when this treaty signing was coming closer, he made a promise to protect her no matter the cost; he wouldn't be able to live if he lost her now.

"A most grand reception, king Regis; you honor all of Niflheim" the voice of the emperor broke her gaze away from Nyx when the emperor walked over to her and king Regis.

"The honor is ours; Emperor Aldercapt you have travel far to grace us with your presents" Amber spoke softly with a small bow to the old man who looked about a hundred.  

"It was very least I could do" he answered her with his arms stretched out.

both her and king Regis bowed their heads with gentle smiles, Amber could hear the lie behind his words; this was the only way for him to get even close to the city itself.

"Tomorrow will be a historical day for both our nations and your Insomnia, is truly a marvel my own cities pair in comparison. I pray we are able to take away much from this visit" emperor Aldercapt continued to speak, looking out to the grand city filled with grandness and wonder; but there was a secret message behind his last words when looking back at them both.

They both only smiled at his words, Amber excused herself from their sides wishing to not be in the emperor's sights for her blood was already boiling for playing along to her uncle's plan that couldn't only lead to nothing good in the end she could sense it inside her bones. She grabbed a glass of champagne that passed by on a tray a servant was carrying, taking a sip of the drink calmed her nerves a little bit for the night.

"Has anyone told you, you resemble your mother quite meticulously I might say" the voice of the Chanceller came to Amber's ears, making her turn her attention to the very man who leaned against the building's railing with his own drink in his hand.

"You would know, you were her husband" Amber spoke back, giving a small growl while taking another sip of her drink.

"Ah yes, but you did inherit things from me, or do you wish to forget?" Ardyn pushed himself off the wall to come closer to her, allowing their conversation to only be heard amongst each other.

"I do not consider you my father, in my eyes the man my mother sacrificed herself for died along with her that day; I do wish I was dead in order to not see you" Amber growled again not caring for him to be here at all before looking away from Ardyn.

"But if it weren't for my deamon blood running through your veins, I'm surprised Somnus kept you around" Adryn spoke the truth knowing it was his deamon blood that kept her alive for so long, but Somnus must have known about it since he learned of Ardyn's fate.

"It was a promise to mother, even with what happened he made sure I had somewhat normal childhood and he was more of a father to me then you would have been I am sure of it" Amber knew her uncle Somnus was a father to her even with her many cousins who came after him and here she was once more.

"And you had no problem leaving your father chained up on that island for so many years, such a heartless child of mine" Ardyn said again knowing she would have known where he was all those years but didn't share the same hate for the very family who put him there.

"I blame the gods for what happened, to me they are the only ones who must die" she spoke her last words to him, not giving him a chance to speak his words when she walked away from him letting Ardyn watch where she walked off to not missing how she found herself near that one crownsguard.

"You, okay?" Nyx asked slightly turning his head to Amber who stood by his side by the large fish tank.

"I just this event over" she sighed looking up to him wanting to just relax and be with Nyx for the rest of the night.

"It will be soon, babe" he said giving her a small smile which made her smile as well, letting their hands gently touch each other away from eyes who couldn't see their hands touch.

But Ardyn could see how their hands touched each other; seeing how his daughter's eyes lit up with the same gentle love her mother had in her eyes when she looked at him, seeing his daughter smile like that gave him some peace that she found a love in this world; but if she hated the gods like she said she, did they would do nothing but screw her over. Taking away her happiness like they did to him so long ago.

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