M-M-M-M-Marcy Woooooooooooo

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Warning: This chapter contains unbearable amounts of cringe and young love. You have been warned.

The gang were on their last stretch of the adventure as Newtopia was closing in for the end of their journey.

Sprig: Doo, doo, doo. Newtopia! Ugh. I can't believe it! It's been a long journey, but we're finally almost there.

Sprig looks towards Anne who had a picture of her friends in her hands as she was looking sadly towards it and Y/N was peering over her shoulder, making suspicious jerking hand movements under the table.

Sprig: Anne?

Anne: Huh?

Sprig: Uh, thought you'd be more excited.

Anne: I am excited. It's just... we've been traveling Amphibia for weeks. I thought there'd be some sign of Marcy by now. But nothin'.

Y/N: Marcy?

The hand movements became faster until Y/N breathed a sigh of relief and lifted his hands from under the table, showing a tiny yellow sock.

Anne: Whats with the sock, dude?

Y/N: I'm trying to get into knitting so I can make my own clothes but I always make the clothes too small. Anyway, I too am disappointed about the outcome of this trip. I really want to meet Marcy as soon as possible but there's been no tracks.

Sprig: Maybe that's a good thing. Anne's last friend was kind of... totally evil.

Anne: Hey! Look, Sasha and I might be going through a rough patch, but that doesn't mean I don't care about her. And since she got zapped here with me, it must mean that Marcy did too. Also, Marcy is completely different from Sasha. She's harmless. She was super smart. But super oblivious. And insanely clumsy. Like, maybe the clumsiest person alive.

Y/N: As perfect as I expected.

Sprig: Wow, that must be horrible.

He put a glass of water up to his mouth but clumsily dropped it.

Anne: Back home, we were there to protect her. But here, she's alone, and instead of kickballs...

Sprig: She could get mauled by an elephant scarab. Or crushed to death by a heron. Or worse, flayed alive by a...

Y/N squished his lips shut as Sprig blew a raspberry. Then, Polly flipped open the hatch with excitement drawn evidently across her face.

Polly: Guys! Come... It's... I... Not gonna believe... Ah! Just get out here!

They come to the top of the fwagon and look over the cliffside they were parked on, showing the giant, bustling city of Newtopia. A gargantuan labyrinth of streets and houses, enclosed with a giant wall. In the centre was a giant castle that stretched towards the sky.

Hop Pop: There she is, gang... Newtopia. If there's a way to get you kids home, it's in that city.

Y/N: Yeah ... home.

Anne: Well, then let's get down there.

They continue down the path and arrive at the bottom where they have to walk through 6 inch deep water. Y/N smirks as he hovers above it. Next to them were dozens of holes that dug deep into the earth.

Anne: Well, my feet are soaked.

Polly: Hey, what do you think made these holes?

Hop Pop: Mmm....Better not to ask. Come on!

Polly: I feel like this is gonna come back later.

Y/N: I'll go check it out later on if theres any peculiar obstacle that blocks our way into the city.

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now