The Stranger From the Portal and A Failed Mission

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The family rolled into the next town with a new excitement for adventure and mystery.

All: New town! New town! New town!

Polly: Food. Shops.

Sprig: This place is so cool.

Y/N: What should we do first?

Hop Pop: Let's see.

He opens his wallet and a single moth flies out as they all look down sadly.

Y/N: Oh, hey Lysander.

Hop Pop: Nothing. All we can afford is window-shopping, kids.

All: Aww

Anne: Man, it's hot.

She pulls down her hood and reveals her human face.

Anne: Better.

The frogs in the town all gasp as they see her face.

Anne: Right. Sometimes I forget about the whole "I'm a freak in this world!!" thing.

A baby tadpole began crying and Anne attempts to calm it down.

Anne: Whoa, whoa. Don't cry. I'm not a monster. I'm just weird. See?

She wiggles her nose and ears and strikes a pose.

Anne: Ta-da!

Townsfolk: Ooh.

Tadpole: Mommy, Mommy! Give the freak money!

Mother: It was a lovely performance. Here!

She gives Anne some coppers while the townsfolk clap at Anne's performance.

Tadpole: Do it again! Do it again!

Anne looks back at the others and Polly gives a thumbs up.
Polly: Milk it!

Townsfolk: Ooh. Amazing. Incredible. Take my money. All of it. This is so much better than that creepy oddities museum.

Anne: Oddities museum? What the heck is an oddity in Amphibia? Am I right?

A cricket chirped as none of the frogs laughed at Anne's joke.

Cricket: Dude, was that supposed to be funny?

Y/N: Cricket Dude! I haven't seen you since chapter three! How've you been?

Cricket: Yeah pretty good. I got married last winter and we're expecting kids soon.

Y/N: Awww, that's nice.

Anne: Stick to physical comedy. Got it.

She began punching herself in the face continuously as the crowd laughed at her. A few hours later, in the time of dusk, the crowd had dispersed and they were left with a bucket full of money.

Sprig: Wow, Anne. You made a bucket of money! Literally! Whoo-hoo!

Polly: Now, how are we gonna spend all of this cay-esh?

Anne: Hmm.

She looked around and saw what looked to be the oddity museum that the townsfolk were talking about earlier.

Anne: Ooh. That oddity place is still open! How about it?

Hop Pop: Well, you made the money. But only if you keep your hood up. don't like you drawing so much attention to yourself.

Anne: Deal. Let's do it.

She put her hood back up and they all walked towards the oddity museum. They opened the door and found a dimly lit corridor with wax figures along the walls.

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now