come as you are

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Its  one week and one day after the last chapter. Maya babysat Aaron and Andy on Tuesday and it was fine, she's still not back to work. Carina is at 19 today helping out with the clinic, James is spending the day with his parents so Mia has taken the twins to 19 hoping to get through some exam papers too. After Carina, Jack and Ben talk in the barn.
Robert: Lilly, hey how are you?
Lilly: I'm good is Mia here?
Robert: Yeah she's upstairs in the beanery come on i'll take you up there. Haven't seen you in a while.
Lilly: Yeah were in the middle of Mock exams so we're all practicing the studying really hard bit too.
Robert: Well thats great but remember to give yourselves a break.
Lilly: I'm already on it as soon as our Mock exams are over. James asked me to be here today said he had some family thing he couldn't get out of thought Mia could do with some help and company.
Robert: You're all good kids, hey look who's here.
Mia: Lilly! I haven't seen you in so long, how are you?
Vic: Dont you see each other at school.
Mia: Its not the same right now.
Lilly: Hey only two more weeks and then we are done.
Mia: Apart from the actual exams next year.
Lilly: I've missed this. Thought we could do some studying together.
Mia: James asked you to come and keep me company?
Lilly: You two know each other so well.
Mia: I'll have to thank him when I see him later.
Lilly: Also mum wants to know when she can see the twins again.
Mia: Tomorrow? Me James and the twins could come to yours for dinner if not maybe next weekend.
Lilly: I will talk to her and let you know.
Andy: Okay come on you two. So whats next on the campaign trail?
Travis: Some canvassing, and actually, the rural development coalition is inviting all the candidates to their next big event. Apparently, there's gonna be a mechanical bull.
Vic&Lilly: Ohh!!
Vic: You are absolutely riding that.
Mia: And you are absolutely not.
Travis: Yeah she's right I'm absolutely not.
Vic: Yeah we should probably douse you in some baby oil first too, right?
Mia: First off i was talking to her and second eww too much information.
Andy: I mean of that doesn't get you some....
Travis: - No.
Andy: .... of Dixon's votes, I dont know what will.
Travis: If the fate of Crisis One hangs on me gyrating on a piece of machinery, we're in real danger.
Vic: Singing. Ride it, my pony,
Travis: Stop it.
Vic: singing.  My saddles waiting.
Andy: Yeah!
Travis: - Please I dont like this.
Vic: Thats you.
Travis: No, no.
Vic&Andy: Siniging. Come and jump on it.
Travis: You know what? I expect this from Hughes, but you're better than this, Herrera.
Andy: I'm really not.
Vic continues.
Mia: Please god let there be a big call.
Lilly: This is why I love coming here.
Mia: Lets just make a start on our maths paper whilst they're asleep.
After Ben tells Jack not to confront Carina.
Mia: And that is our 2 hours up.
Lilly: So now what?
Mia: We take this to school on Monday the teacher will mark it and give it is back and we see what needs work and what doesn't.
Lilly: Should we break for some food?
Mia: Yeah do you wanna go to mcdonalds down the road a bit I can get the twins out as well.
Lilly: I have never wanted something so much in my life.
Mia: And then when we come back we can play revision bingo and then wrap it up for today?
Lilly: Sounds good.
Mia: Come on, Uncle Jack can you tell Carina we're just going out for some food?
Jack: I will pass on that message.
After Sean's Uncle has the seizure.
Lilly: What do you think happened in there?
Mia: Knowing this place it could have been anything. You sure your gonna be able to walk home by yourself you could walk home with Me and Carina a little later.
Lilly: My parents want me home, I'll be fine.
Mia: Okay then message me when you get home, no excuses.
Lilly: I will, see you soon.
Mia: Yeah see you soon.
A couple of hours later after Andy and Eli talk in the showers.
Mia: Hey you ready to get out of here?
Carina: Bambina I'm so sorry I'm gonna go and talk to Maya, I thought you'd gone home already.
Mia: Oh no that's okay I'll uhm I'll walk home by myself then.
Carina: I can drop you off.
Mia: No its okay, why are you going to see Maya?
Carina: She keeps trying to call saying how she needed help and how she can be better I just need to tell her to basically leave me alone and give me space.
Mia: Oh right... yeah.
Carina: Bambina??
Mia: She came and said practically the same thing to me last week.
Carina: Why didn't you warn me or say something?
Mia: Because I didn't know she was gonna go this far.
Carina: Okay you know what bambina just go home!
When Mia gets home she disturbs a burglary in process. They had the house staff locked in an upper bedroom and didn't expect anyone to be back. They run off pushing past Mia causing her to fall to the floor and bang her head.

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