The other grandparents

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Following on from last chapter. Mia, Vic and Travis are still in the beanery.
Vic: So how far along are you?
Mia: Around 6 nearly 7 weeks.
Vic: And your only just telling us?
Mia: I did try the other day but it was too hot for anyone to process anything.
Travis: Agreed.
With Maya and Diane.
Diane: Has Mia spoke with a councillor about all this?
Maya: No we're trying to take it one day at a time. We still haven't told the dads parents yet.
Diane: Why would you do that?
Maya: Because this isn't Mia's fault or the baby's that baby deserves to know their grandparents.
Diane: Well I know I am mainly for firefighters but I could take her on, have someone she already knows.
Maya: I think that would help her, I'll talk to her about it later.
On Sunday.
Maya: Okay so I may have done a thing.
Mia: Oh no.
Carina: What did you do?
Maya: I arranged for us three to go to Lilly's house and talk to her parents.
Mia: What when?
Maya: Today..... In like an hour.
Carina: Ai Bella.
Mia: I better go and get ready.
Carina: Ai me too bambina.
At Lilly's house.
Leo: Ahhh you must be Maya Bishop and....
Maya: Oh this my wife Carina and my little sister Mia, although I'm her guardian.
Lilly: Mia!!
Mia: Hey Lilly.
Maya: We really need to speak to you and your wife.
Leo: Then you better come in. The girls can go upstairs.
Mia: Uhmm no thank you.
Maya: It's actually about Mia so maybe she could stay?
Leo: This way then.
Laura: Oh the guests are here, so can we just get straight to it what's this about?
Maya: whispers do you want me to tell them?
Mia: No I'll do it.
Lilly: They already know about the party.
Leo: Is this about the party because we already punished Lilly and Lucas for that.
Carina: Sort of.
Mia: That night I was at Maya and Carinas wedding and Lilly text me saying she needed my help, I came here to help her and that's when I found out she was drunk. I wanted to get her back to our apartment but realised that wasn't going to happen, she could barely stand. I settled with taking her to her room and making sure she was okay, Lucas came in a little later he was even more drunk he didn't even see that I was not his sister. Lucas r@ped me that night.... And now I'm pregnant.
Laura: What this can't be right? Why wouldn't you make sure this didn't happen?
Maya: We didn't know until weeks later, the police have been informed.
Leo: Lilly what do you have to say about this?
Lilly: Well it's true I did ask for her help I still have the text. And then the next morning I walked in to my room to see her tied up with nothing on on my bed.
Laura: LUCAS!!!! Get down here.
Mia: He's here?
Maya: Don't worry we're here.
Leo: He won't touch you we promise.
Lucas: What's going on?
Laura: What happened at that party?
Lucas: That again? We already told you what happened.
Laura: You told us the whole story right?
Lucas: As much as I can remember yeah.
Lilly: Do you remember hurting my friend?
Leo: Let your mother and I deal with this Lilly.
Lucas: Uhmm no I don't remember.
Laura: They said you thought Mia was Lilly and had s!x with her?
Lucas: Oh shit.
Leo: Language!!
Laura: So it's true??
Lucas: No I don't know what they're talking about.
Lilly: Really because your going to be a dad.
Leo: LILLY!!
Lucas: I have no idea what they are going on about.
Mia: He had two of his friends with him George and Lewis.
Laura: So if we ask them they will back up your story?
Lucas: Uhmm yeah..... I'm gonna go bye!!!!
Laura: Well I think that answers that.
Leo: Ughhh have a boy they said. I am so sorry for all they have both put you through.
Laura: So what you want money?
Maya: No we don't need your money we just thought that it would be in the girls's best interests because they're friends. Plus when this baby's born they are going to want to know their other grandparents. It's not the baby's fault.
Leo: Hmmm she has a point. And a grandchild to spoil rotten that doesn't sound good to you?
Laura: Maybe a little bit.
Lilly: So your keeping the baby? I'm going to be aunt?EEEKKK!!
Leo: Ha well someone's excited.
Mia: Yeah a little too much your crushing me.
Laura: Lilly, you should have told us everything, I'm afraid your grounded you go to school and nothing else.
Lilly: What for how long?
Laura: Until I say otherwise.
Lilly: Nooo that means I can't come to the mall with you guys next Saturday.
Maya: What's this now?
Mia: Well I would have talked to you about it had you not sprung this on us.
Carina: She does have a point Bella, we need to stick together as a team.
Maya: What's this about the mall?
Mia: We were all gonna go to the mall next Saturday catch a movie have some food and friend time outside of school.
Lilly: Hey maybe I can come next time, and everyone else can still go.
Mia: But it won't be the same without you.
Laura: Maybe you can be grounded up until Saturday morning since you have already had punishment for the party.
Lilly: Yayyyy thanks mum your the best.
Carina: Sorry to interrupt but what about Lucas?
Leo: Well I guess the police will be showing up any day now.
Laura: We can't stand by what he did he may still be our son but he's 16, he shouldn't be making these kinds of mistakes.
Mia: I did try to stop him and tell him no but there was 3 of them. And they were older.
Laura: No this is not your fault, I'm glad you've had Maya and Carina but now you have us too.
Lilly: Am I still keeping it a secret at school?
Mia: Yeah going to try and hide it as long as possible but if I ever pass out again you know why.
Lilly: That's not funny.
Laura: What happened?
Lilly: It was her first p.e lesson and the teacher made us run track.
Mia: I didn't know I was pregnant safe to say I did afterwards that was when I found out.
Maya: Don't worry we have spoken to the principal and he's on our side so. We have that.
Leo: Lilly look out for her at school please.
Lilly: Always.

Mia BishopTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon