Everybody says dont/ We build then we break

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A couple of days later on the phone.
Carina: Hey bambina, you out of school? Have you got home safe? Have you got the twins??
Mia: Calm down Carina we're home we're okay.
Carina: Good im glad, I'm at the clinic but I just wanted to make sure your okay. I'm gonna call you later when I get back to the apartment. Just stay safe please.
Mia: I will.
Carina: Are you guys still okay?
Mia: Yeah were still okay.
Carina: Maya kinda went off at me earlier.
Mia: Isnt she going off at everyone?
Carina: Yeah, I told her I wasn't pregnant. I took a pregnancy test the other day. I think she was kinda pissed I did it with out her.
Mia: First off im sorry I know how much you want this. Second isn't she never home so you couldn't have done it with her?
Carina: Exactly, the only time she's home is to sleep other than they she's working or out on runs.
Mia: Right so what did she expect? I hope your keeping safe during this storm.
Carina: I am, look im gonna go get some food done for myself I'll talk to you later.
Mia: yeah I'll see you later.
James: How is she?
Mia: Not pregnant and losing her mind. I would do the same i dont know if they can come back from this.
Mia: Twins are asleep.
James: What now?
Mia: Revision.
James: Ughh!
Mia: Come on just another year and we're gonna be sitting our GCSE's, we need to concentrate. 45 minutes of revision and then 45 minutes for us before bed.
James: Deal.
Later that night. After Carina finds out Maya is in the hospital before Maya and Carina have the big argument in the hospital.
Mia: Mmm Carina??
Carina: Sorry bambina I got called back to the hospital for an emergency C-section, Jack has to bring Maya in to the hospital.
Mia: Is she alive?
Carina: Yes she has what we call Rhabdo, ots basically because eof how much she's been working out.
Mia: Well how long is she gonna be in the hospital?
Carina: I dont know.
Mia: Okay I'll call you in the morning to get an update and take it from there, I gotta get some sleep i will not let her ruin my education.
Carina: you can spare 1 day. This is your sister.
Mia: But she hasn't been acting like my sister recently.
Carina: But you are not like her, show her that.
Mia: I'll think about it goodnight.
In the morning:
Carina: sobbing Bambina.
Mia: Omg Carina whats up?
Carina: I had to put Maya on a psych hold and now according to her we're done. I'm so sorry, I'll be staying at a hotel for the time being, im getting most of my stuff now before she comes home.
Mia: Dont book a Hotel just yet, I'll speak to James he's gone to school but when he gets back I'll talk to him see if you can stay with us. I'm gonna head to the station, do they know yet?
Carina: I dont know.
Mia: I've just dropped the twins at nursery I'll come to the apartment and give you my key go wait for me at James's i'm gonna head to the station see of anyones going to see her and then once I've been to see her I'll be coming home.
Carina: Thankyou bambina.
Mia: Of course I'll see you in about 20 minutes.
20 minutes later.
Mia: Hey Carina, you need a hug?
Carina: Yes please. Thank you for this bambina.
Mia: Dont mention it, my key I've told the house staff that your coming. I should be back but if not the twins need picking up at 4.
Carina: As long as I'm not called in for an emergency surgery I can collect them.
Mia: If not let me know and I'll try and get hold of James if I'm not gonna make it, im going to head to 19 are you gonna be okay?
Carina: Yeah im just packing 2 suitcases and a duffle bag so I can manage them.
Mia: Great and you have the address?
Carina: Yeah I got it.
Mia: Great i'll see you later.
At the station. After Jack and Andy talked in the barn, and Grey and the kids came by.
Andy: Sobrina! What are you doing here?
Mia: I found out about Maya and wanted to see if any of you were going to see her.
Andy: I was just heading up there now so you can come with me. I thought you was mad at her?
Mia: Carina told me that I needed to show her that I wasn't like her and could actually be a good sister so that what I'm doing.
Andy: Ahhh your acting like the adult.
Mia: I have to because she's acting like a kid.
When we get to the hospital me and Tía Andy just sit there with Maya none of is says a word. Back at home afterwards. 4:30pm.
Mia: James i told Carina I would talk to you first but can she stay here too? If not she's gonna get a hotel because Maya has finally lost it and threw away the best damn thing that ever happened to her.
James: Of course she can its not like we don't have the space, and this way we might get revision done at a decent time.
Mia: I wouldn't hold your breath I've lived with her before alot of the time she just has to drop everything.
Carina: Well my shift are 8am- 5pm but sometimes I'll go over 5pm, sometimes I'll be called in early sometimes I'll be called in on my days off and sometimes I'm called in at night it just depends on my patients and if they go into labour or not.
Mia: But its gonna be good to have you here.

Mia BishopTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon