I know a place

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When the montage of Jack and Maya is on at the start Mia is also in that montage struggling with the twins as they are both ill. Later after James has finished school.
James: Hey i'm sorry I got home as early as I could how are they?
Mia: They haven't stopped being sick all day, they haven't stopped crying all day I dont even know how many outfit changes we've all had today lost count at 50 between the three of us.
James: Okay, should we take them to the hospital?
Mia: I don't know, I wish Maya was here or Carina they would know what to do.
James: Yeah she's been at the hospital for days, like sleeping there she does know she has a bed here right?
Mia: I spoke to her last night before the chaos she was hoping to get home tonight apparently this is just the time of year for labouring mums.
James: Yeah well i think she might change her mind.
Mia: Ughh not again okay Aaron come on outfit change, you okay with him?
James: I got him go.
15 minutes later.
Mia: There we go changed into a new and clean outfit.
James: I told Mr Mathew's he said that as long as you try and get some studying in for maths and English and science to take the week off.
Mia: Yeah I will Tía Andy said she would come round and help out Friday on her day off, but I'm hoping by Thursday they've at least stopped being sick.
Carina: Hey bambina I'm home, whats going on?
James: Their ill.
Carina: Yeah I got that.
Mia: They woke up being sick all over the place, between 3 of us we've had more than 50 outfit changes today alone.
James: We were just debating wether to take them to the hospital.
Carina: I think we should, being sick can cause dehydration, lets get them in the car.
The twins are admitted to the hospital, the nursery then sends out a text saying that someone had spread a bad sickness bug around the nursery.
Mia: I'm going to 19 i need to talk to tía Andy. I need tía Andy.
Carina: Dont you wanna be here?
Mia: If I stay here i'm gonna explode. I-I feel like i-i can't breathe.
James: What is going on?
Carina: She's having a panic attack, go and get her a water out of a vending machine. Mia come on breathing techniques you know what to do.
Carina stays at the hospital that night with the twins, Mia and James head to 19.
Andy: Hey sobrina, where's the twins?
Mia: In the hospital.
Vic: Omg what happened?
James: Some kid spread a really bad sickness bug around the nursery.
Andy: And it got Andy and Aaron hospitalised?
Mia: Yeah because they were being sick like alot and Carina said it could lead to dehydration so thought it would be better to get them there just to make sure they're okay.
Andy: Come on, 19!!
James: Okay dont freak out... the twins are in the hospital.
Jack: Why?
Ben: What?
Robert: When?
Travis: Guys one question at a time.
Mia: One of the kids spread a really bad sickness bug round the nursery and Carina thought It would be best to get them to the hospital.
Theo: Who's with them now?
Mia: Carina, I couldn't stay at the hospital i-i couldn't breathe.
Andy: Oh okay you're okay.
Ben: Has anyone said when they can come home?
James: They need them to stop being sick first, school has given Mia the week off.
Andy: I can come to the hospital with you tomorrow if you want?
Mia: I don't know, I dont even know why I'm that scared of the hospital?
Theo: It happens sometimes.
Vic: Has anyone told Maya yet?
Jack: Wasn't she working with Diane today?
Mia: We've tried calling but there was no answer
Beckett: Oh the kids not seen them in a while.
Robert: Not another word Beckett.
Andy: Come on the chiefs gonna be on the TV soon.
After the news conference.
Andy: Wowww, she really just did that?
Theo: Yeah she did.
Vic: You tell em chief.
Andy: Vic come and sit behind her a minute she's fallen asleep.
The next day Andy and Mia spend the whole day at the hospital. Mia then spends the next 2 days at the hospital with the twins not even going home once. Carina has Friday off so Mia decides to go to school. Its after school and her and James are on their way home.
Maya: Mia, wait up can we talk?
Mia: Where the hell have you been? I've been trying to talk to you for the past 4 days!!
Maya: I know, I know but I'm here now.
Mia: Well now is a bit too late, the twins were in the hospital i needed you.
Maya: Why were the twins in the hospital?
James: One of the kids at the nursery went in whilst they were sick, spread a bad sickness bug round the whole nursery Carina being a doctor thought it would be a good idea to get them to hospital. They came home yesterday and the nursery has had a full feckling whilst they've been closed the past two days.
Maya: I didn't know.
Mia: If you had picked up your phone you would have.
Maya: I've been trying to get help so that I can be better for you, the twins and my wife. Is Carina staying with you guys?
James: Yes she is.
Mia: Well done, i'm glad you've been getting help but I really needed you and you weren't there.
Maya: So that I could be there from now on.
James: Come on, give her another chance.
Mia: Ugh fine, you free Tuesday?
Maya: Yeah?
Mia: Pick up the twins from nursery I'll put you on the pick up list and text you the code word. Watch them for a couple of hours and I will come and pick them up about 6pm. I've fallen a bit behind this week with everything.
Maya: I can do that.
Mia: Good now we really need to get home.

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