Birthday sleepover

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Mia is just 5 months pregnant with the twins. Gender reveal is coming!!!

Carina: Right everything's ready for today, are we ready to have 10 teenagers round tomorrow night?
Maya: I'm sure it will be fine.
They hear Mia coming out of her bedroom, they grab party poppers and waittt.
Carina&Maya: SURPRISEEEE!!!!
Mia: Omg are you trying to give me a heart attack?
Carina: Happy Birthday Bambina.
Maya: Happy Birthday kiddo.
Mia: Just tell me what have you two got planned for today??
Maya: Well the station are coming round for a party tonight and then tomorrow we have your friends coming over for that sleepover you kept banging on about.
Mia: Wait seriously??
Maya: Yeah today and tomorrow are about you.
Carina: We have presents for you Bambina.
1 hour later Mia is in her birthday outfit that Carina and Maya bought her and they are heading out to the store for party supplies.
Maya: Hey kiddo can you go pick up some Crisps for me please we will go and get some fruit meet us near the fruit in a little while.
They get everything they need and head home, Maya and Carina cook the food and sort the decorations whilst Mia goes to call her friends. 19 arrives and Mia gets more presents off them, they party late into the night. The next day Maya, Carina and Mia watch Mamma Mia in the morning before Mia's friends show up. Carina and Maya bought Mia some pyjamas that are bigger than she needs to hide her baby bump.
Maya: Mia can you come and get the door Carina is showering and I'm keeping an eye on this sauce if I look away it could be a disaster.
Mia: Hi, come in Nick, Charlie, Lilly I'll take you through I'm sure the others will be here soon.
Charlie: Hey, happy belated birthday.
Nick: Thank You for having us over Mrs Deluca Bishop.
Maya: Maya please and your very welcome.
Carina: Bella was that the door please don't tell me they're here already?!!
Maya: Do you want the good news or the bad news??!!!
Mia: Don't worry Carina I'm taking them into my room I'll close the door, you can come out and use the hairdryer!!!
Maya: She gets very obsessed over people seeing her just out the shower with wet hair.
Mia: Come on we should go before we run into her in the hallway.
Lilly: Are we all sleeping in here?
Mia: No Maya and Carina have hired this company to come in i'll show you the room when the others get here.
Charlie: Did you get anything good for your birthday?
Mia: I got loads of stuff too much stuff that I know to do with.
Nick: was the party like the best party?
Mia: it was great I love my station 19 family and my tìa Andy.
Nick: So what are we doing when they get here?
Mia: Sleep over stuff, movies snacks drinks pizza.
Lilly: Oh I am so excited.
Maya: MIA, DOOR!!!!
Mia: I miss the days she couldn't do that. I'll be back in a minute.
Maya: Carina took the hairdryer in our room.
Mia: Good to know. Hi Elle, Tao, Isaac and Sophie come on in.
Elle: Happy Birthday!!!!
Tao: Charlie said he was already here?
Mia: Yeah come on I'll take you to them.
Isaac: Hi Mrs Deluca Bish.
Sophie: And thank you for having us.
Elle: Sophie don't just cut Isaac off like that.
Maya: Please just call me Maya and my wife is just Carina. Are we waiting for anyone else?
Mia: Just Tara and Darcy.
Elle: They're running a little late Darcy overslept and didn't pack last night like we told her too.
Mia: Of cours she didn't.
Carina: Ciao Bella!! Bambina, and your friends.
Mia: We were just going to my room to the others.
Maya: Go on then I'll bring your friends to your room when they get here now Carinas back.
Mia: Thanks.
Elle: Tao you can't shout like that in other people's houses.
Mia: It's fine, I'm back.
Charlie: We heard you had one friend with you.
Nick: Did you tell her?
Elle: We were waiting for Tara and Darcy they're running a little late.
Mia: Tell me what??
Sophie: We have a surprise for you.
Charlie: But we're waiting for Tara and Darcy.
Mia: Okay, what have you done??
Isaac: Nope no more.
A little later.
Maya: Mia, look who I found.
Mia: Tara, Darcy!!!
Tara: Hey queen, sorry someone didn't listen to any of us last night.
Mia: Yeah I heard.
Darcy: Happy belated birthday!!
Maya: I'll leave you to it, don't forget to come and get your drinks when your ready.
Mia: Yeah we will be out in a bit.
Charlie: So we kinda let it slip about the surprise, are you guys alright to do it now?
Tara: Yeah I have mine and Darcy's I made sure to pick it up before we left.
Darcy: And I'm so glad you did I completely forgot.
Nick: So Mia, I know you said not to but you have gotten all of us so we all got you a present for your birthday.
Mia: No you didn't.
Tao: Of course we did, like Nick said you've got all of us something.
Mia: I told you guys you didn't have to.
Elle: Well we did.
After Mia opens her presents.
Mia: We should go and get drinks before we start the movie and I did promise Nick, Charlie and Lilly I would show them the room that we have set up.
Tao: Drinks!!!
Mia: Sophie you coming?
Sophie: Yeah I'm just a little stuck I'll meet you in the kitchen in a minute.
Sophie takes Mia's diary from the drawer beside her bed, she slips it in her backpack and heads into the kitchen.
Mia: Cola or Lemonade Sophie?
Sophie: Lemonade please.
They spend the night watching movies and eating snacks and pizza. They go to sleep in the small tipi's and then in the morning on Sunday everyone leaves, Maya is on shift and Carina and Mia spend the day at home.

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