Chapter 17 Changes

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"I can't help but be nervous Viv, I'm getting married." Alexis said as she wiped Kylee's poopy bottom. Things had changed in our home in what could be the last few weeks, or months or even years, I had lost complete track of time. When I first became a baby, Alexis was our Pink Maid servant, but nothing else. Mommy and Alexis were very careful to never have adult conversations around us, now they were sure that we were completely regressed babies they often talked freely.

I was laying down in the playpen pretending to take a nap, cuddled up with Dakota who was sleeping. I was now fully baby brained most of the time and my memories from those times were more like sketches if I even remembered anything, but adult talk seemed to wake up the adult part of my brain that had been holding on. My ears perked up at the word marriage.

"I guess you've never been married before?" Vivian asked.

"No, I never wanted to have a family, it's so funny thinking that I was once so stupid," Alexis said.

"Do you know when you're leaving?" Mommy asked.

"They told me that this would be my last week, and that I would take one last short class and then I would be sent to meet my new husband. He's a policeman, can you believe that?" Alexis said as she snugged a new diaper on Kylee.

"We are really going to miss you around here, you have been fantastic," Mommy said and I could hear her start to tear up. Alexis lifted Kylee off the table and held the girl in her arms, she was now barely over 40 pounds and 3 feet tall.

Kylee started to cry, "I'm going to miss them all so much, you've all made me so happy." The pink maid sat down on the couch with Mommy and held Kylee. "Kylee will be leaving here soon as well I hear," she said.

"Yes, and, well, I'm not supposed to tell you this yet, but... Why not? She's going with you, your husband has agreed to adopt Kylee." Mommy said.

"Oh my Gosh!" Alexis jumped off the couch and began dancing with Kylee, and soon Mommy got up and danced with them. They were crying tears of joy. I began to cry as well. I slid my hand into my diaper and felt where my genitals were supposed to be, my balls were completely gone, and my penis was now a tiny vagina that was filled with a small plastic wand that was slowly stretching it out. Recently crying was something like an old friend who had come back to visit and decided to stay. I probably hadn't cried since I was 5 years old, but now I cry all the time. I get scared for no reason and cry, I get hungry and instead of telling Mommy I just start crying, and right now I was fighting against crying and could feel my jaw quivering. My body wasn't mine any more, my sister was leaving, my Alexis was leaving.

I was tired of trying to be a hero, I was tired of waking up and realizing that I had turned into a baby girl. "My name is Chrissy, I'm a baby girl, I wear diapers, I can't walk. My name is Chrissy, I'm a baby girl, I wear diapers, I can't walk or talk, I can't remember anything." I began to say the words in my mind and then quietly say them to myself. "My name is Chrissy, I'm a baby girl, I wear diapers, I can't walk or talk, I can't remember anything. Mmm name Chrissy, babagrr, ahh dides, ahh wahhh ta, mem ber. "Mmmm, Mommy!" I began to cry, my adult brain completely submerged. My crying woke up Dakota who also began crying. Soon our apartment was filled with three crying babies and two crying adults.

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