Chapter 9 - Mush brained

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My awareness came back slowly, I can remember the morning but part of it is like a dream. After diaper changes we were all given bottles, these weren't the special bottle I had last night, it was like thick sweet milk. Then we were changed out of our nightgowns into play clothes. Kylie's outfit was a dark pink bubble romper with a light pink heart, Dakota's outfit was a pale pink dress and white tights, and my outfit was a pink care bear shirt and matching denim dress that barely covered my diaper. Under the effects of the reward pacy I giggled and thought our outfits were funny and cute.

Mommy pulled a foldable adult sized baby stroller from a closet and strapped Kylie in. Dakota and I both walked, Dakota held on to the stroller with one hand to steady himself. I could walk OK, but occasionally rested my mittened hand on the other side of the stroller since my balance wasn't quite there.

Outside the nursery door I was astounded by what I saw, we were in a large open building with ceilings maybe thirty feet high. The space was well lit from natural skylights and artificial lights. The ground was artificial grass, and grippy walkways. Large cartoon sculptures hung from the ceiling, a sun, a rainbow, a butterfly, all around the perimeter were doors and all the walls were painted like a cartoon forest. It was a really magical environment and made more magical to me while enjoying the effects of a psychedelic pacifier.

There were a few large playsets in the middle of the building and a small self contained building that looked like a cafe. I saw a few other women who looked like Mommy leading adult babies and several of the frilly pink maids pushing around carts. Mommy led us into the cafe. Inside there were adult sized high chairs arranged in various groups and a few very strange C-shaped tables. I could smell breakfast cooking. Mommy pushed us over to one of the strange tables. "Usually with Dakota and Kylie we just use highchairs but since there are 4 of us now we'll use a feeding table," she explained.

The table was a bright blue color and much taller than a regular dining room table with three large holes. The holes had plastic seats inside them. She lifted Dakota off the ground and sat her through one of the holes. Then I was next. My feet couldn't touch the ground. Finally Kylie was put in the seat and started to cry. Mommy comforted her and gave her a pacifier. There was a bustle in the room as a couple other Mommies were securing adults to high chairs and tables like ours and pink maids were moving about with baby food and bottles.

We were strapped in and Mommy left us to go talk to another woman. "How did you like the reward pacy?" Dakota asked quietly.

"Huh, oh, umm, yeah that was kinda nice," I said. The effects were wearing off, and my brain still felt mushy.

"Yeah I like them better than the night milk, the night milk is nice, but you just fall asleep so fast that you can't enjoy it," Dakota said.

"What's going on? What is all this?" I asked. My senses were getting back to normal and I looked around the room. Every now and again I recognized a face, the maids were the handful of pinks who were selected to work in classroom 5. The adult babies were inmates who disappeared, mostly ones who couldn't handle the program that were supposedly transferred to a regular prison. I counted about 15 of us babies in the room.

"I don't know, obviously they want to turn us into babies, who knows why. If you act and talk like an adult you will get punished again, and it only gets worse. If you act like a baby then you get reward pacys, night milk, and other special treats." Dakota said.

"But what about Kylie, is she acting or is she actually a baby?" I asked.

"I don't know, she's coming back," Dakota whispered. Mommy returned with a couple platters of food. There were scoops of various mush, jelly, some eggs and some biscuits. She put the food down and then a pink maid came by and deposited 3 baby bottles on the table and three oversized silicone baby bibs. Mommy and the maid quickly attached the bibs around our necks. Mommy placed plates in front of Dakota and me, and began cutting up eggs and biscuits into smaller pieces. Then she spooned some of the jelly and mush onto the plate. Dakota dug in with his hands and began shoving food in his mouth, much of it falling into the tray on her bib.

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