Chapter 13 Arts and Crafts

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Over the next few days I learned that living as a baby was tough. On the adult side of the facility there was a great deal of autonomy. I got up when I wanted, worked with who I wanted, and after classes our leisure time was completely ours. Now every aspect of my life is controlled. Mommy got us out of our crib, fed us, dressed us, changed us, and chose everything we did.

While I had been wearing diapers for close to a year now, this was different. Mommy made us drink so many bottles and now I had no control of my bladder or bowels. It seemed like I was always wet and having 2 messy diapers per day. Despite the very absorbent adult sized baby diapers leaks were still common and mostly went ignored, unless they were of the blowout variety. Oddly enough the diapers weren't completely horrible, I was finding the way they would swell out and spread warm around to feel kind of nice sometimes, but once they got too wet they became very uncomfortable, and when they were messy it was even worse. The worst part was feeling them leak, feeling whatever baby clothes I was wearing start to get wet spots. Dakota said I would get over it.

On my 3rd day I found out that there were classes here for us, though it was more of a daycare program than classes. Mommy dropped us off after breakfast in a large room that was a perfect replica nursery school for adults. There was a play area with a color floor mat and many shelves of toys, a classroom with colorful little tables and chairs, a beanbag area for naps, and a changing table. There were about a few other adult babies there with their Mommies and once our Mommy dropped us they left after first giving us all hugs and kisses. Kylie frowned when Mommy left and I thought she would cry but instead the teacher gave her a doll and she plopped down to comb it's hair.

"Hello there, I'm the Teacher, and you must be our newest little Chrissy?" the woman said. I bashfully nodded. "We're going to have lots of fun today girls, I have lots of surprises in store for you, and treats if you're good."

"We'll be good Teacher," Dakota said.

"I know you will Dakota, now you have some free play so go show Chrissy your favorite toys," the Teacher said. For the next half hour I sat on the floor and pretended to play with blocks, a barbie car, a doll house, and combed the hair of a My Little Pony. Dakota and the others seemed to actually enjoy playing with the toys, though I don't think they went full mushy baby-brained.

We all were given bottles and then it was arts and crafts. The Teacher set up 6 adult sized blue plastic toddler easels and then did something unexpected. She started undressing us. The others didn't seem to mind, but I resisted. "Chrissy, do you want a spanking?" The Teacher asked. I shook my head no. "Do you want your Mommy to be upset when she finds your pretty dress is ruined?"

"No mam," I said in shame.

"Chrissy you're a baby and babies spend lots of time in only their diapers honey," I looked at the other six adults who were now wearing nothing but diapers. All of them had soft fluffy skin and various levels of baby fat. They all had soft chubby breasts, though two of them were much larger and I assumed they were probably biological females. They were all looking around confused, one was putting their paint brush in their mouth and drooling all over. Then I had this realization, this sudden horrible thought, they were making us retarded. Adults who wear diapers and act like babies aren't babies, they are developmentally disabled adults who will spend the rest of their lives in facilities.

Something in me snapped, "Fudge no," I yelled and ran for the door. I tripped on a toy and went face first onto the rubber mat. The Teacher grabbed me and I fought to get away.

"Chrissy calm down, bad Chrissy, what will the other's think of you," the teacher scolded. I fought against her but like the Mommies she was stronger than any normal person. She dragged me by the hand while I fought and kicked trying to break free. My knees were burnt from sliding on the rubber mat and soon I was over at a large rocking chair that was surrounded by shelves of books. I screamed and continued to fight as the teacher easily spun me around and placed me over her knee. She unzipped my short yellow dress from the back and pulled it over my head while I continued to scream. Then she easily held me down and stripped my white leggings off. My diaper was tugged down and soon her hand began raining blows down on my rear.

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