Chapter 7 - The Nursery

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I woke up very slowly to the sound of soft music playing like a music box. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust. I was surrounded by soft padding decorated in pastel nursery images. White bars reached up 5 feet above me. High above I could see a big spinning mobile with rainbows and stars. That's where the lullaby was coming from. I was in a crib, a huge crib, or was I a little baby? I looked at my body, it seemed the same dimensions.

The medical diaper that had been my underwear for the last 10 months was replaced with a thicker model with a soft outer shell decorated with a cute cartoon elephant. It was wet, in fact it was soaked. My hands were covered with big thick mittens that were locked on. I was wearing a short pink nightgown with short ruffled sleeves and a picture of a rainbow and unicorn and my feet were covered in thick booties.

I got to my feet and immediately fell down. Something was wrong with my balance. I crawled to the side of the crib and used the bars to steady myself. With the mittens I couldn't even hold them. My chin came to the top of the crib bars. It was dark, but there was a nightlight. I was in a nursery, a nursery that had somehow been upsized for adults. Everything was decorated in soft pastels and white. I could see a changing table, and several white cubicle shelves filled with toys and baby items and a door to the outside. There were two other cribs and I could see bodies laying in them.

"Hey, hey wake up!" I said instinctively in a whisper. I could hear light snoring coming from one of the cribs. "Hey, wake up!" I said a little louder. One of the bodies rolled over and shh'd me.

"Go back to sleep," I heard a voice.

"Where am I? What's going on?" I asked.

"You're going to wake up, Kylie, be quiet." they whispered again.

"Who's Kylie," I asked? Then I saw the body in the third crib roll over and sit up and then begin to loudly cry. In between sobs I heard Mommy.

"Well now you've done it, happy now!" the voice said. A few moments later the door opened and a woman came in and flicked on the lights. I was blinded for a minute while my eyes adjusted. The woman was wearing a long lacey night gown and had her long hair pulled up in a bun on top of her head. She was big, well over 6 foot tall and plump as well.

"Oh it looks like Chrissy woke up a bit early," the woman said looking at me.

"Chrissy?" I asked.

The woman ignored me and walked over to the crib with the crying baby. "What's wrong Kylie? Are you upset, Mommy is here." She said and opened the side of the crib. With the light on I could see that Kylie was an adult, but also a baby. Her body was chubby and soft, not fat, but baby fat seeming spread all over her body. Her face was round and cute, her skin exceedingly soft, even her hair was baby soft and shiny.

The woman reached in and took the crying adult baby out of the crib, she had no trouble lifting the full grown adult and cradling them. Kylie wasn't big, but the woman must be incredibly strong. "Hey, where am I, what's going on?" I asked.

"Shush now, Chrissy, it's 3AM and you should still be sleeping," The woman said.

"My name is Chis, not Chrissy. Why am I not in my room, what the heck is this place?" I said again.

"You're so talkative this morning, but you need to go back to bed," the woman said while rocking the crying Kylie in her arms. She sat down the crying baby in a recliner and left the room.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on!" I yelled.

The person in the crib who was talking to me sat up and I recognized their face, though it had changed some. It was Dakota, the hacker who couldn't make it even as a Pink. Dakota's curly black hair was even softer and he had more of a babyface than I remembered.

"Dakota?" I asked.

"Yeah, just shut up OK, I don't want to get in trouble," Dakota said and then quickly laid back down and covered up.

The woman came back in and said "Mommy has got just the thing for little ones that can't sleep." She held a bottle in her hand, it was exactly like the classic baby bottle but adult sized and filled with milk. She climbed up on a little set of stairs beside the crib so that she was over me. She took one head and placed it on the back of my head. I immediately tried to get away but she squeezed me tight against the crib rail. She was very strong, and with her other hand she tried to force the bottle's nipple into my mouth, but I refused to open. "You know what happens to fussy girls," the woman said and pinched the skin behind my neck. The pain was surprising and I opened my mouth to tell her to stop. The bottle came in and she gave it a squeeze.

Soon my mouth was filled with a strange tasting milk, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't really good either. I refused to swallow and some of the milk dribbled out of my mouth. The pinch came again, "Swallow for Mommy," she said and I did and the pain went away. Then I swallowed again, and again. She held my head a few more minutes then took her arm from the back of my head. She took my arm that was hanging loosely at my side and placed my mittened hand against the bottle and I kept it there. I keep suckling the bottle, any resistance or confusion that I had been feeling was gone. Everything in the world made perfect sense, the nipple in my mouth made milk, the milk made me.

"Little Chrissy loves her baba, doesn't she," the woman said.

"Yeah," I said, Without thinking.With her hand no longer steadying me against the crib I began to slide down. She caught me though and reaching over the bars she carefully lowered me the crib mattress. The nipple slid out of my mouth and I kept suckling air, and felt myself getting upset. She placed the bottle back in my mouth and positioned my hands to hold it. "Good girl, drink it all," she said.

The lights were turned out and as I laid there sucking she picked up Kylie out of the chair and then sat down with the crying girl in her lap. She unbuttoned her nightgown and lowered one side showing a big full breast with a huge nipple. At the sight of the nipple Kylie stopped crying and immediately latched on. The quiet was nice, I could hear the lullaby music again. It was really hard to keep my eyes open so I closed them and continued to suckle and fell asleep with the nipple still in my mouth.

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