Chapter 11 - Punishment and Rewards

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Time passed while I was strapped to the stroller. Mommy unfurled a large fluffy blanket and Sarah, Dakota, Kylie and a couple other adult babies cuddled up for naps. I couldn't sleep and had nothing to do but think about my past. I had always been a good student in High School, between good grades and my involvement in theater I had received a decent scholarship for college and majored in history. It was really studying just how much the Regime had changed the country and was slowly stripping away freedoms that led to me leaving college and protesting.

I thought alot about Amy and Lacey, we had grown so close over the last year, in captivity. I had completely given in to the system, I was happy essentially living as a woman, I'd even accepted the lessons and theories they taught us. My personality really was far more feminine than masculine, if I'd only just signed my name and accepted the gender reassignment then I wouldn't be stuck in this insane situation. I realized Lacey had already been offered gender reassignment and accepted it, that was why she had been changing. Then a thought hit me, would tLacey and Sharon end up working here in this part of the facility. Would they completely ignore me like Alexis did?

Eventually one of the Pink maids brought us a picnic lunch and bottles. Mommy placed the small cut up sandwiches on a plate out for the now hungry adult babies on the blanket, then my gag was removed. My mouth was sore, but I happily sucked down a bottle of formula and ate a few little pieces of sandwich. Sadly the gag was replaced.

I didn't realize it but I was wetting myself alot. Wearing diapers for months had shrunk my bladder and it was common for me to go frequently, but before I could hold it if I wanted to and always knew when I was wetting. Now I could barely feel my bladder, and had no control. I could feel the plastic cage they had put on me, it felt like a gentle grip on my genitals, surprisingly it wasn't unpleasant.

Eventually another mommy came and took Sarah out of the swing. Holding her at her chest she flipped her dress up and patted a rather swollen and dark stained diaper. "Somebody made a stinky," she said.

Sarah giggled. "Poo poo," she said.

"Yeap babygirl, let's get you changed. Viv do you mind if I use your blanket?" She said to my Mommy.

"Not at all, in fact I'd say my kiddos need changed too," Mommy said as she got up and rounded up Dakota and Kylie. Mommy produced a cute diaper bag from Kylie's large stroller and laid down the two babies. I watched with a mixture of horror, surprise and curiosity as all three had their diapers removed. Kylie and Sarah were messy and the poopy smell waifed over to my stroller. All three had chubby baby soft skin and the same cage I'd been fitted with, but Kylie's was smaller and rounder. They all three laid there shamelessly as they were wiped down and wrapped in clean diapers. The mommies rolled the sodden diapers up in tight balls and carried them over to a nearby trashcan.

"You three have done such a good job playing today I think a little treat is in order. What do you say Viv?" the other Mommy asked.

"Sounds good to me, show my brat here she is missing out on," my Mommy said.

The other Mommy knelt down close to Sarah and said, "Engage program B7," My Mommy knelt down to Dakota and Kyle and said, "Engage program A4." I heard a slight sound like a low hum as the Mommies came back and sat down on the bench beside my stroller. All three adult babies began to roll around on the blanket, I could see their faces turn to looks of concentration. Dakota was the only one who wasn't using a pacifier but he reached around and found the one dangling from his clip and began sucking. They were getting vibrated, right here in the middle of the play area, with other adult babies and two other Mommies just across the area. No one seemed to care or even notice.

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