Chapter 16 Losing Track

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"How long has it been since we last talked?" Natalie asked as her little music playing stuffy began to play. She was sitting up on a blanket, pretending to play with toys, here Mommy was over on a bench talking.

I sat down on my smooshy diaper bottom on her blanket and giggled, "I dunno, like this many?" I said and held out 5 fingers.

"Your name is Chris Henderson, you're not a baby," Natalie said in a serious way that was in such an opposition to her baby voice, cute face and pastel colored bubble romper that I was immediately myself again.

"Yeah, I know, it's just," I replied. I had been playing tag with some of the few of us that could still toddle around and gotten a bit carried away. It was happening more and more. I would be acting and pretending to be a babygirl and then start enjoying whatever game or activity, then wake up and realize I couldn't remember hardly anything from my list, or even what I had been doing.

"I know, its really easy for pretend to be real. I've tried to get your attention a few times and you were too busy playing to notice. If you don't try harder then you won't remember who you are anymore," Natalie explained.

I looked at Natalie and realized how much she had shrunk, between her chubby face, under 4 foot body and baby clothes she looked like a little girl. Her voice had changed too, all of our voices were getting higher, but she now sounded exact;y like a little girl. "OK, but really why does it matter, we're all going to be babies for real soon anyway." Suddenly I remembered that I had been trying to talk to Natalie. "Oh my gosh, I have so much to tell you," I recounted the meeting between the doctors and the Secretary of Health and Human Services and explained the entire rationale for the plan.

"It makes sense now at least I guess. Listen, I think they are going to adopt me out of here soon. I've been picking up little bits, and I think I understand now. It's important that you remember. When I get out of here I'm coming back for you, for all of you, I promise."

"Natalie, don't be stupid, you look like a child, what are you going to do?" I asked.

"My name is Nathan Summers, and I can do many things. Look Chris, it's important that you keep your memories. If we are going to take this place down then you have to remember. Someone's coming, go play, but don't forget."

I nodded and went back to playing, but I was troubled. Did I want to take this place down? "Tag, you're it" someone yelled and I giggled and ran off after them. Tag is so much fun.

I was laying on a soft changing mat surrounded by bright green grass staring up at the most amazing blue sky. Mommies breasts hidden inside her dress were dangling over me as I could feel her wiping my wet bottom. I reached up and tried to grab one and she giggled and pushed my hand away. "Are you hungry little girl?" she asked.

"Boobies," I said and giggled.

She handed me a dry diaper, "Here unfold your didies for Mommy. We're going to let your bum bum air out a bit." I began to try to unfold the diaper but decided instead to stick it in my mouth, I knew that Kylee and Dakota were now both sticking almost anything they could get their hands on in their mouth, but I wasn't really acting, I really wanted to taste it. Mommy giggled at me then continued cleaning, I felt something strange. "Oh, congratulations your ring just fell off." Mommy held up the pink plastic chastity cage, it was so much tinier than I remembered it. I reached down and felt around my uncaged privates and for the first time in, I couldn't remember, I felt my own genitals, they were so tiny. I knew this should have upset me, but it didn't.

Mommy explained that my outie was going to become an innie soon and the doctor would have a different kind of device for me.  

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