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"will u please stop making noise? i am trying hard to concentrate!" i yelled from the other side of the basement.

"what exactly are u doing?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"wish u had eyes to see what i am doing" i said with sarcasm.

"oh whatever! its not like i am interesting to see what you are doing" he replied in an irritated tone.

"sure, i don't want audience here, especially noisy ones"

"if i am noisy then mind you, you are loud speaker."

"if i am loud speaker then you are a DJ"

"piss off!" he chimed.

"i really want to, but you know as i said, you are blind so u can't see that the door is locked and if u will kick it, then u are the most foolish person, bcz the door is made up of iron stupid! no matter how much u will kick, nothing will happen except it can surely break your leg if u keep doing so" i explained.


BTW let me explain u what's going on, today is the 7th day of us surviving in this hell, HURRAY!! right? because we only have to survive 7 more days in this hell, with only half a litre water and a packet of biscuits. Well right now i am trying to lit the fire and my stupid is not letting me concentrate because he is continuously banging and kicking the door! damn, he is really mad!

Finally after spending half an hour on it, i could finally see blue and orange flames, with the lighting dots flying in air and a warmth spread across the room, my gloomy face changed into happy one as soon as i saw the fire.

"you are such a child!" he said coming towards the fire, as it was july and because of rain, it was all soggy and cold weather.

"unlike u, trying to be a mature stupid" i teased.

"i am not stupid!" he pouted and sat down. and the room filled up with light conversations and laughs.

Our clothes were very very messy and torn from places, our faces were dirty and our hair were messy and were sticky, we were looking like the people who do manual scavenging, i swear i will take bath everyday for 1 year to remove this smell and dirt from me, we were smelling like rotten food! gross right?

After an hour of chatting and laughing, i went to sit at my usual spot, the moon was glowing and the owls must be awake, i never thought that at some point of life i would be surviving here. My parents and Ayushi must be thinking that i am enjoying the camping with my scholars but what they don't know is, i am literally in a hell with my bully, after all u can't blame me, it was his stupid idea.

Despite being the fact that we are  stuck here, i am still enjoying, laughing and feeling good with whom? a person who is supposed to be my enemy, i am sure that when we will get out of here, nor he will bully me again and nor i will be ever be able to hate him again, not after what he told me yesterday, i am really grateful to him that he believed me and opened up to me.

I looked at him he was playing with his shirt wearing a pout on his face as he was not able to tie a knot in it, i walked up to him and tie the knot in his shirt, he was looking fondly at me i was flustered by the moment, our faces were inches apart and his black locks were touching mine, he gave a childish smile as i successfully tied the knot.

But as i stood up i noticed....a lizard at the wall behind him, i blurred out and start walking backwards, before my body can touch the hot flames of fire, i was pulled by a great force and the next i realised was, i was on top of aryan and we were laying on the ground in front of the wall the lizard was stick to.

We were again in an intimate position, he noticed something.

"look at me okay?" he said in a serious tone, he cupped my face between his hands.

"look at me shivin!! don't look to your right okay?" he said and guess what? i did.

I looked to the right and saw a big brown lizard staring straight into my soul, my heart started racing.

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" i screamed as loudly as i could, and i clutched Aryan's shirt as tight as i can, he was not able to breathe, i closed my eyes and he turn himself and me to the opposite side of the lizard and she ran away.

I opened my eyes and my nose was nearly touching his nose, he smiled and he was holding me by waist tightly, and i was clutching his shirt, he looked at me, and blow air at me from his mouth, i flinched at that, he removed his hands from my waist and pulled my cheeks, i shot him a death glare and he started laughing, his milk white skin was glowing in the dim moonlight and all i wanted to do was taste his pink lips but i knew it was not the right moment.

And guess what? after flirting for 15 minutes straight, we both slept there, in each other arms...because we were so tired to move to the planks.

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