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I woke up with a extreme pain rushing through my body, i opened my eyes and yawned; i realised instead of a soft, warm and comfortable bed; i was laying on a hard wooden plank, the realisation hit me and my expression saddened at the thought of getting stuck in a basement for god know how long, and you know what the worst part is? getting stuck in a basement with the person you hate the most in the whole world, its ridiculous!

A smile crept on my lips as i saw my-biggest-enemy laying on the ground near fire pit, i assume that he slept on a wooden plank but ended up sleeping on the ground.

As he turned to my side; his leg hit the fire pit hardly and he woke up groaning, his hands supporting his leg, i hissed at him and laughed, his eyes met mine and he blushed in embarrassment as he realised that i was watching him all the time.

"i know i am more handsome than any man out there, but will u stop looking at me?" he said with a smirk.

"as if!" i chimed and went to check my bag.

"we don't have much food or water" i said my eyes searching through my bag.

"i know, i checked it last night"

"so it will be better if we eat and drink less" i said as i stood up and put my bag on a wooden plank.

"i want breakfast"

"we don't have"

"what do u mean?"

"are u deaf? didn't u heard what i said minutes ago? we lack of water and food" I retorted.

"but i can't live without breakfast" he said standing up but instead fell down and hissed.

I hurriedly went to check him if he okay but when i pulled up his pants to his knees, i saw a big wound in his shin covered with blood and it looked gross, i looked up at him in horror but his eyes never leaving his leg.

"I-I" he stuttered and hold my hand tightly but his eyes were still on his legs, i pressed the skin beside his wound, he hissed and shoved my hands away.

"did it hit that hard?" i asked him.

"i-i think w-when my l-leg hit that plank, the iron nail in that went into my shin and peeled my skin but i didn't n-noticed" he said stuttering and i could feel it was hurting a lot.

I hurriedly checked for a first aid box in my bag and luckily i found one. I applied the medicine on his wound; he hissed and hold my hand, he was shaking, i could feeling his hand shaking, i looked up at him again but his eyes were screwed on his wound, i am sure it was the first time he is seeing something like this, after all he is 'rich dad's spoiled son'.

"Are u okay?" i asked him wrapping the bandage cloth around his shin, the blood was dripping of his leg.

"i-i think" he said squeezing my hand as if telling me to slow down, i got the hint and wrapped it carefully around his shin.

You must be thinking that he is my enemy still i am helping him, i am not that brutal, he was literally so shocked that he was shaking and that time i didn't care who it was, all i know is i have to save this person.

I helped him to stand, his hand still holding mine tightly and he finally looked up at me but instead of a decent 'thank you'; he smirked evilly and i knew he is up to something. I rolled my eyes at him.

"thank youuuuuuu love" he said leaning in, we were so close that i could feel his hot my breath on my lips, his black messy bangs touching mine and sweat dripping off his forehead, his eyes shifted from my eyes to my lips and he leaned in more to kiss me.

"are u mad or what?" i said backing off and he smirked.

"i just wanna say thank you to you for saving my life" he pouted.

"i don't need you thank you, and stop overreacting, it is just a small wound" I retorted.

"aish! you should be a dog, barking so much! if i hadn't had this injury i would have buried you right here" he chimed.

"AND YOU SHOULD BE A PIT BULL!!" I yelled and went to other side of basement so that i don't have to deal with a dog anymore.


(later that day)

I woke up with a smell of burning, i realised i slept in an sitting position, i sat at the place where the hole was, i can see the sunlight getting dim, but the thing is the whole is so small and so high that we can't get out of there even if we tried to. 

I looked around and wondered where the smell is coming from, i walk towards the centre and saw Aryan sitting on a wooden plank trying to lit the fire, i laughed at his stupidity that he was trying to lit fire by rubbing two stones when we have lighter.

"you know there's a thing called 'lighter'? I walked up to him and sat on a wooden plank beside him.

"no, i don't know and we don't have that" He said jokingly but looking optimistic about lighting a fire.

"i guess you should have checked the bag before doing something" I said and he finally looked at me with confused eyes.

I showed him the lighter and he blushed in embarrassment looking so cute, lol why god had to give all cuteness to my biggest enemy?

"i-i didn't know" he took the lighter and lit the fire, it was the month of July so it was kinda cold weather because of all raining and mist.

My stomach grumbled and i realised that i haven't ate anything since morning, His stomach repeated my actions.

"i think we should eat something first" He said standing up and for your info, his wound was getting better because the medicine was very effective so i was pretty sure he can stand and walk now so i didn't offered him help.

I took a packet of cookies out of the bag and i saw that we have nothing more than snacks, i counted the biscuits.

"here are yours" i gave him 6 biscuits, and he counted them.

"only six? how am i going to survive on that?" he said looking shocked.

"I ONLY HAVE FOUR!! it was 10, i gave u 4 so that you can recover quickly, you are still complaining?" I said looking disbelieved, he sure is a devil! 

"you know what? go to hell" he said slumping back to his seat and looking angry.

Don't know why is he acting so immature? was he always like this?! ridiculous!

We finished our food quickly and i extinguished the fire so that we can sleep peacefully, but its not possible especially not with these wooden planks, its like someone stabbing your back.


A/N= guys, can u pls check out my friend's story too! it is also an indian bl story, i would love if u read her story, she is an awesome writer!


author= @Opals3afl00r

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