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Johnny and the other men entered Jake's office before placing a pile of documents on his desk. "Here's some information about Viscount William and General George's whereabouts and all the activities they did before the murder happened, Your Grace."

The Duke dismissed them and began to silently go through the papers one by one. Juliette who was sitting at the corner finally stood up and approached him hesitantly. "Can I read these?"

"Make yourself useful and try to find something odd in the details," he said as he still fixed his attention to the document he was holding.

She obeyed his orders and began taking a few papers before sitting on the sofa again. The door suddenly opened once again, revealing Johnny walking in with a tray of tea and cups.

"Help yourself out, Lady Juliette. You must be thirsty after all the panicking and running."

She politely thanked the young man and watched as he left the office once again. Jake furrowed his brows as he waited for the soldier to leave before averting his gaze to her, "So have you found anything odd yet?"

"Not yet."

"Then, focus," he ordered sternly, earning her frown and scoff. She began to read the sentences and details thoroughly before glowering at the unusual information.

"What is this?" She read all the transactions that her father had made to a place deserted from the main town. A place where most nobles go for a shady business.

"My father has never gone to this place. Let alone walk to it as well," she stood up and handed the paper to Jake. He read it carefully and raised a brow, "And these transactions have been going on for weeks."

"My father wouldn't do this... He wouldn't hire someone there to kill his best friend."

"There might be someone else who uses his name to make the transactions. Let's just keep searching for now."

She placed down the paper and hesitantly glanced at the man helping her behind his desk. He finally felt the stare and scowled as he looked at her.


"Why are you willing to help me?" She finally gathered her courage to ask.

He sneered before brushing his hair with his fingers. She watched his demeanour and felt as if she said something wrong. He then stood up from his seat and stepped closer towards her.

She widened her eyes, seeing him towering over her and trapping her between his arms. "Who says it is for free?" He said as his voice was filled with desire and mischief.

"Helping you with this is very heavy and serious work. I expect you to pay me back after all this is settled," he spoke with a mocking smirk, staring straight into her eyes.

"I will. Just tell me how much you want and I'll try to manage–"

"I don't want money. I have a lot of that. Even more than you. You just have to wait and then I'll tell you. Now focus on doing the job or just leave. I'll have my men look through the documents for me."

He finally pulled away and gave her some space to breathe and process what just happened. She held her chest as she nervously tried to calm herself down and glared at him in disbelief, seeing him relax back into his seat.

"Well, I should leave, Your Grace. My mother would've been looking for me by now," she stood up and headed towards the door. As soon as she opened it, her body jumped in surprise upon seeing the Prince standing in front of her.

"Your Highness!"

Jay held both of her shoulders, "Are you alright? I heard what happened. Everyone said you would be here."

"She's fine. Why? Do you think I would hurt her or something?" Jake rolled his eyes and fixed his attention to the papers. Jay scanned the room and cupped her cheek before caressing it, "How are you feeling? Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Your Highness, my father has been arrested for something he didn't do."

"I know he wouldn't murder someone, Juliette. He's the nicest man I've ever known. And I will make sure he is freed from the dungeons."

Jake watched the scene in front of him and sceptically raised a brow at the Prince.

"I will try my best to free him. I will help you, Juliette," Jay convinced once again. She pushed his hands away gently, "Thank you, Your Highness. I'm glad that you and His Grace are willing to help me. I will repay both of your kindness."

"He's helping as well?" Jay scoffed and glared at the person whom he used to consider a friend. Jake smirked and watched as Juliette left the office.

"Now it all makes sense. You would make such a great actor, Jay."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, please. We've been friends for years now. You are not the sweetheart prince people ought you to be. This must all be your plan to win her. This is such a bad idea."

"Shut up. You would've done this if you were me."

"But I'm not. If she finds out about this, you can get ready to see her hate you."

Jay mockingly rolled his eyes before plopping on the sofa, "But she won't. Right, Your Grace?"

"She will. I will not tell her. But she's intelligent. She's not a fool like how you ought her to be. She will figure it out by herself."

"What's up with you, Jake? You never even liked her. Once I set my eyes on her, you suddenly wanted to compete and win her as well? That is not what friends should do, right?"

"We are not friends anymore, Your Highness. Our friendship broke off a long time ago."

"I am not afraid of killing you in the process. I will do anything to win her."

"You forgot something, Your Highness," Jake smirked before stepping closer, "I don't die easily. And if you fail to kill me, I'll find you and kill you with my own hands."

Jay glared at him with icy cold eyes, clenching his fists to refrain himself from beating the Duke up. He stood up and dusted off his clothes, "You changed. Into a foolish person."

"Really? I thought I changed for the better," Jake chuckled as he thought of Juliette's face. He turned to the Prince, "You, however, turned into a person I barely know. Just remember, Juliette will hate you, Your Highness."

"Refrain yourself from annoying me, Duke. I am not hesitant to kill you this instant," Jay snapped before leaving the office.

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