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Juliette's return to the garden earned everyone's attention. She awkwardly made her way to her seat and drank her tea silently. Clarissa soon arrived and eyed the girl with glaring eyes. She sat silently before ordering the servants to serve her some cookies.

Jake watched the two women's demeanour and noticed the purple bruise forming on Juliette's hand. Clarissa held his hand out of the blue before smirking at Juliette, "So, Juliette. Any plans of marrying someone?"

Juliette was taken aback by the question and eyed her mother who was busy drinking her tea. She turned her attention back to the future Duchess and smiled politely, "No. Not right now. Why?"

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself? When every noble lady in this kingdom gets married, you will remain unmarried and untitled."

Juliette's smile faded and she dropped her small spoon on her plate. Lady Clara glanced at her daughter before looking at Juliette, "Clarissa is quite right, Juliette. If you wait too long, no one would want to marry you."

"That's enough, Clara," Lady Jane glared at the woman in front of her. Queen Victoria remained silent to watch how the feud would end up.

Juliette felt so small and so worthless. She felt as if she did not belong there at all. She fiddled with her fingers anxiously, keeping her gaze down. Jake arched an eyebrow before sighing, slamming his fork and spoon on the table.

All the guests flinched and waited to see what he had to say. "I would," he blankly answered while looking straight into Lady Clara's eyes.

"Excuse me?" The noble lady laughed in confusion. The Duke smirked arrogantly, "Are you deaf? I said I would marry her if no one asks for her hand in marriage."

Duchess Eleanor widened her eyes at her son, "Jake! What are you talking about?"

Clarissa laughed out of a sudden and clapped her hands, "Now it all makes sense. It explains why you kissed me when you were in your sleep. And when you pulled away, you called that tramp's name."

Juliette looked at the Duke next to her before standing up, "Allow me to excuse myself, Your Majesty."

Queen Victoria nodded and watched as the young girl left the garden instantly. Jake placed his napkin on the table before standing up and bowing at the Queen. Clarissa held his hand, "Jake, you can't possibly plan to chase after her? She doesn't deserve you. She should've been one with the commoners in the first place."

"Clarissa Ellis!" Lady Jane yelled angrily but gasped when Jake suddenly poured tea on his fiancée.

"Jake!" Clarissa shouted in anger. He sighed, "The engagement's off."

Lady Eleanor made an attempt to chase after him but failed since he was quick, "Jake Shim, you come back here!"


Juliette threw stones into the lake and watched as it skipped numerous times before sinking.

"Why is my life like this?"

"Why do people treat me like I'm their puppet."

She heard footsteps behind her and turned around, seeing Jay in his formal attire. She felt relieved it wasn't Jake and stood there frozen, watching the prince make his way closer to her.

"Are you alright?"

She forced out a smile before nodding, "Yes, Your Highness. I was just thinking of something."

He stood next to her and watched as the stones that she threw skipped on the water. "I was wondering why the world is hectic and cruel to me," she said softly.

He nodded, "But it makes it more interesting, right?"

"It did at first. But at the end of the day, it makes me tired and I feel like giving up."

"But it would just make you a loser if you give up, right?"

She glanced at the prince with a frown, "Who cares? If it can take away all the pain, I would prefer that instead of enduring all of this."

"Then let me be your knight in shining armour. Let me chase away all of the problems that you have. Let me be someone you can go to whenever you feel down or upset."

"Your Highness, you already know the answer to this. I will keep on saying–"

"But you can always use me, Juliette. I want to be used, especially by you. It pains me to see you getting hurt over and over again. Let me be the one protecting you from all the pain."

She was taken aback by the sudden suggestion and widened her eyes in shock when he pulled her into his embrace. She did not attempt to push him away and felt him patting her back comfortingly.

Jake made his way to the lake and halted his moves when he saw two familiar people hugging each other. To his surprise, Juliette was in the arms of his best friend. He clenched both of his fists before leaving, feeling his blood boiling due to frustration and anger.

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