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A few days passed and there were no signs of the Duke returning home. Juliette sat at the window nook, looking out to see the cars that might belong to him. Her hands repeatedly caressed his watch as she sighed sadly.

She hated him. She really did. But she was not that cruel to wish for his death. And keeping his watch should be a simple job for her but it felt like a burden, knowing the owner might not return forever.

The doors to the living room opened, revealing Viscount William in his wheelchair. He pushed himself towards his daughter before smiling, "Is there something on your mind, dearest?"

"No, Father. Are you alright? How are you feeling?"

He managed to smile softly at her, trying his best to show that he was not in pain. Losing his ability to walk was causing him many difficulties but he was the one who volunteered to join the expedition. He did not want to make Juliette and his wife think they were the reason the unfortunate event occurred.

"I've never been better. Shall we take a stroll at the promenade? I haven't smelled fresh air for a long time."

She sighed and nodded, "Yes, Father. I shall ask the maids to grab my hat."

He watched as she left the room and then turned his attention to the watch that was placed on the seat of the window nook. He knew that the watch belonged to Jake and remembered how they both talked to each other before the expedition.

"Let's go," Juliette's voice startled him. She smiled and pushed his wheelchair towards the entrance.

As they both headed to the promenade, she remained silent and inhaled the fresh air. Viscount William fidgeted with his fingers before gathering the courage to ask his daughter, "Do you like the Duke?"

"Why do you ask me that?" Her smile faded and was replaced with a grimace.

"I always see you holding His Grace's watch all the time."

They both reached the promenade and went towards the nearest bench. Juliette parked her father's wheelchair next to her and sat down.

"It's just a burden that I have to look after his watch for him," she rolled her eyes and kept her gaze fixed on her fingers.

"He's a strong man, Jules. He will return," he responded and touched her hand to assure her. She flinched at the sudden touch and widened her eyes, "What if he doesn't?"

"I heard that you have been exchanging letters with him. And he always gets so giddy whenever he reads your letters. And he kept reading them over and over again," he raised a brow before chuckling. "He will return, dearest. He has a reason to."

Her cheeks reddened as she scooted away from him, "It was just a kind gesture. It did not mean anything. He sent me a letter first. It's only polite to respond to it." She glared at her father before turning her attention to the lake in front of her.

"Okay then. Whatever you say, dearest. He is a nice man. I'm fine with whatever your decision is."


Clarissa stepped into the bar and caught a glimpse of Jay drinking liquor at the corner. She sighed out of annoyance before walking up to him. He gave her a lazy stare as he watched her take a seat before him.

"When are you going to stop being petty? Jake might not return," she snatched the liquor in his hand to make him focus.

He glowered before sitting up straight, "That's the whole point."

"That wench doesn't even like you. If you keep sending Jake to war, she will never even accept your proposal."

"Clarissa," he smirked before moving a few strands of hair from her face, "Get lost. Mind your own business."

She could not help but scoff at his insult. She applauded mockingly before leaning towards him, "If only Juliette sees your true personality. It amazes me how you act like the most desirable gentleman when in reality, you are a bastard."

"You know me so well, my dear friend," he ridiculed her and gulped down his alcohol. She furrowed her brows, "She will hate you for making him and her father go on this ridiculous expedition, you know? You damn well knew that place was never at peace and is always dangerous. Yet, you make them go there. Her father even lost both of his legs. Do you really think she will forgive and accept you as her partner?"

"Leave, Clarissa. I'm not in the mood for your nagging session."

"If Jake does not return, I might just kill you myself, Your Highness," she snapped before leaving instantly. Talking to Jay was like talking to a brick wall. He was too stubborn to realise the consequences of his own actions.

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